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Review of popular soy milk makers

Making your own soy milk with a soymilk maker is very easy, allows you to save a lot of money and you know exactly what the ingredients are. If needed, you can add extra ingredients such as sugar, sweeteners, flavours, thickeners and salt to make it taste more like industrial soy milk. Making soy milk with normal kitchen tools is also possible, but requires more time and results in a lower yield. Basically you have to add the soaked soybeans and water to the soy milk maker and press the start button. We have tested the following soy milk makers with filter cup: SoyQuick, Vegan Star, SoyaJoy, SoyaPower, SoyWonder and QT400, and two filterless soy milk makers: Premium SoyQuick and SoyaDirect. The SoyaDirect belongs to the newest generation of soy milk makers that use no filter cups or grinding cover, making cleaning and handling easier. You can order this machine from the UK based company Soyadirect. When ordering, please do not forget to mention our special promotion code SYBE09, which gives you an extra discount of 10% off product sale price.

Components of a soymilk maker

Most models are composed of the following parts:
  • Heating element: this can be a heating element which is submerged in the liquid or a heating bottom plate. Both systems also exist with normal water boiler.
  • A container which will hold the soy milk plus some extra air space to prevent overcooking. This container can be plastic or stainless steel.
  • A filter cup which holds the soy beans. The surface consists of a screen which allows water or soy milk to pass through. There are two types of screens: a thin plate with very small round holes (Soyajoy, SoyaPower and Vegan Star) and a fine mesh screen (SoyWonder).
  • Sensors to prevent the overcooking of the soymilk.
  • Motor with stainless steel stirring blade to mix the soybeans.
  • A microprocessors to control the process of heating and mixing.
  • Some automatic soy milk makers have additional parts or options: a feeding window or opening which allows you to add the beans to the fully assembled soy milk maker (Soyajoys and SoyaPower) or a kit to make tofu.

Operation of an authomatic soy milk maker

The operation instructions differ slightly between the different brands but basically they work like this:
  • Weigh or measure 80 to 100 grams of dry soybeans for each liter of soy milk. Normally a measuring cup is provided.
  • Rinse the soybeans and soak for about 8 hours or overnight. Rinse the soaked soybeans again with water. Some manufacturers of soy milk makers claim that their machine can make soy milk directly from unsoaked soybeans. However, the taste will not be that good and yield will be lower.
  • Put the soybeans in filter cup and mount it to the soy milk maker.
  • Add cold water in the container of the soy milk maker. Normally the desired levels are marked on the inside or outside of the container.
  • Plug the power cord in and press the start button. The soy milk maker will first heat the water to about 80 degree C (180 degree F) and then start to grind the soybeans.
  • After about 15 minutes the soy milk maker will indicate that the cycle is completed and that you can pour the soy milk in another container. The pulp, or okara, which remains in the filter cup can be used as an healthy ingredient in bread or soups. This okara is very rich in fibre but will also contain other healthy ingredients such as soy protein, isoflavones, saponins and vitamins.


What soya beans to use for soya milk machine?


A friend of mine has recently bought a soya milk making machine and was trying to find out if all soya beans are the same or whether there are different types and what the difference is in taste, texture etc. can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

Hannah - 26/10/2013

What soya beans to use for soya milk machine?

There are more than thousand varieties of soya beans. Some varieties, such as Jinpumkong don't contain the lipoxygenase isozymes. These isozymes are responsible for the beany taste of soy milk. But don't ask me where you can buy these beans. You can also eliminate the beany taste by cooking the beans before grinding them, as most soya milk machine will automatically do.

But soya beans which you can buy in shops don't mention the variety. Most of the time I'm just lucky if I can find soya beans in the shop.

I would describe the best soya beans as follows:
- no dark spots on beans
- no cracked beans
- large even size (makes it easy to remove husk)
- nice yellow colour

Rob - 26/10/2013

Soy milk maker

Since I was interested in Soy-milk-machines, I was glad to find your extremely informative website and the excellent reviews which you provide for so many different soymilk-making-machines!

Since you are a Soy Milk Machine Expert, I would like to ask you some questions, which I could not answer by researching the internet... :-/

At the moment, I tend to buy the "SoyaPower Soy Milk Maker", because when I compare the Pro's and the Con's of your different reviews, it seems to be the best choice for such a machine - or would you personally recommend another machine?

A friend of mine f.e. has a Joyoung Soy Milk Maker - did you ever test this machine?

Here in Germany, I think the only way I could get this machine would be an import from the United States - or can you recommend me a shop here in Europe (or in the US)?

Thank you very much in advance for an answer! I really appreciate your work and your homepage and I will recommend it to my soy-loving friends...!
Michael - 31/10/2013

Soya milk machinery

i would like to know the cost of the soya milk machinery as i am interested in starting the soya milk manufacturing unit. in gujarat

kalpesh - 25/11/2013

inquiry fro soyajoy milk maker

Dear sir hello,

Please advice who is the importer or distributor
I tried to find but was I canot !

Thank you in advance

George Vassias

George Vassias - 17/12/2013

Seeking for Advise

I find Market for Soya, also I'm looking for the simplest method how to make soya milk for a just local poor families who grows Soya but no capital for having the machines.
Hendry Sam - 18/12/2013

SoyaStar-Great Machine

Hi, wanted to share with you all a new soya milk maker that I recently purchased. This unit makes all forms of nut, bean, seed and grain milk effortlessly.
It looks great on my kitchen worktop and is very easy to use. Check it out here:
All the best guys!
Dorothy Elkins - 29/12/2013

Wholesale info

I have shop in Slovenia and would like to sell some good soya milk makers with all needed certificates for selling in in EU. Can you reccomend some contact.
Best regards,
Dunja - 03/01/2014

All major brands of soy milk makers are produced in China, for example by Joyoung. You will have to contact them:
But I am afraid that you will have to order a container load of these machines.
Rob - 04/01/2014

I´m looking for motor of Joyoung soymilk maker. Maker typ: CTS-1028.
Could You me help?
Zoltan - 17/03/2014

Philips Soy Milk Maker

I am missing the Philips Soy Milk maker which is really really good, but unfortunately only available for the Chinese market.
Arianne - 10/04/2014


Please help I desperately need a soymilk maker. I live in India and can't find anyone to sell me one. Is there anyway that someone in Europe could help me. My husband and I are allergic to cows milk. I had a machine but it broke. I need to make rice and soy milk. Please email me at if you can help
Sharon Wojno - 23/04/2014


You may wish to visit the site and check among the merchants listed there offering kitchen products.


Art Saguinsin - 30/06/2014

what is your favourite soymilk machine?

Which of these machines are available in Mumbai?
What is meaning of 4% vs 11% suspended matter in your reviews? Which has more protein ?
What is the meaning of 50% total yield?
Which machine has a good creamy texture with not grittyness? But also which machine makes a milk that has the most protein per 100 mL?
Tushar - 30/12/2014

what is your favourite soymilk machine? lists some soymilk machines. The suspended matter are small particles that are undesirable because they make the soymilk less smooth. These particles consists of pieces of soaked soybeans and will contain about 20% protein. The 50% yield refers to the percentage of the soybeans that get dissolved in the final soymilk. The higher the better. I find that all soymilk machines make soymilk with some grittiness. Therefor I always filter the soymilk through a cheese cloth to obtain a product that I prefer.
Rob - 04/01/2015


please I want to start soya milk in sierra Leone how can I get the machine and the beans please help
Amadu sesay - 06/01/2015

Soya milk and Tofu pressing machine(200litr/hour)

If any one from you want to set up soya milk plant then your search ends here only. You can contact us on below numbers. We can provide a machine which gives best quality soya milk and tofu.

Hiteshh - 07/01/2015

Need help making soy milk

I just made my first couple of batches of soy milk with my new soy milk maker. It tastes too much like raw soy beans. I put some vanilla and honey in the second batch and I think it tastes little better, but not much. The main problem is my daughters don't like it as much as the store bought (we usually buy the unsweetened or slightly sweetened). I bought 50 lbs. of soy beans so it looks like I'll be needing to use them. Any advice on how to make the milk a bit more "tasty"? Also any info or web resources on making tofu or using the beans in other ways would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Miguel - 25/02/2015

Need help making soy milk

Homemade soymilk needs a touch of salt to improve the taste. Cow's milk also contains naturally quite a bit of salt. You could make tofu (recipe should be included in the instructions of your soy milk maker.
Rob - 25/02/2015

cherche filtre desesperement

mon filtre de ma Soyquick SDZ-4e est percé ou trouver la piece ?j ai beaucoup chercher en vain
j habite le maroc qui peut m aider ??
dalila - 24/03/2015

Looking for a soy milk maker that grinds beans before heating

Thanks for this informative post. I'm looking for a soy milk maker that actu actually grinds the beans before heating as I want the beany flavor. Do you have any to recommend?
Joyce - 04/04/2015

Miguel - Need help making soy milk

Consider your soy milk "smoothie grade" - just use it in smoothies and cover up the taste with nice tasting fruit and spices like cinnamon.
Jim - 16/04/2015

SoyaBean Milk maker shop - Hungary

I have seen posts that some of you were looking for distributor in EU for Soyabean milk makers. FOund this link online from Hungary.
Brigi - 10/05/2015

Small soy milk maker

Hello, I have a small kitchen and I find I can't use soy milk fast enough before it goes off. Please could you recommend a small soy milk maker, in size and yield? Thanks, Hazel
Hazel - 14/08/2015

Grainy tofu

Sir, I have only a home mixer grinder. I use lemon to coagulate the soy milk. My tofu is grainy and has a distinct smell which is not acceptable to my child. What to do?
Geetika - 07/09/2015

Grainy tofu

Maybe you use too much lemon juice, so you end up with very acid tofu.
Rob - 09/09/2015

I Need More Information on Soyabean Milk/Tofu Processing Machine

Hello Hiteshh, I read about your offer of 200litres per hour soya milk machine. The telephone number you gave is not quite clear as it is not easy to distinguish your country code. I am interested in your offer and could you kindly send me a proposal through my e-mail or whatsapp/call me at +2348037788438, +2348028606026, +2348181926534. Or if there is any other seller who could supply such machine to please get in touch. Thanks. Ozor Godwin (Esq).
Godwin - 26/09/2015

soya milk machine plant

we are one of the leading manufacturers of high quality soya milk machines of small to larger capacity and tofu pressing equipments supplying to all over world.
D.ROY - 18/05/2016

Soy Consumer

I make soymilk using the Soyajoy G4 made from Organic Laura Beans. As a male, I consume soymilk regularly with no side effects. China consumes 40% of the world’s soybeans along with other Southeast Asian countries, such as Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Okinawa, etc.
I have spent much of my adult life in this part of the world. This means I ate, slept and took showers with those who live there. I never once witnessed the male population wearing a bra, displaying enlarged breasts or other side effects due to soy consumption. Moreover, consuming soy goes beyond just a few condiments. In underdeveloped countries like those of Africa, soy plays a big part in curbing protein deficiencies.
There is a lot of false information swirling around on social media regarding soymilk consumption. Notice that with the various studies, there is no mention of the type of soy consumed during the study (i.e. hydrolyzed vs. fermented).
Finally, the over consumption of sugar is far more detrimental to our health than probably any other single ingredient in our food, just my opinion.
James M. - 02/01/2019

Need soya milk/tufe processing plant.

Currently in need of processing plant for soya milk. Interested suppliers should reach me on +233 266 144 777. Please email me with proposal stating your best offer. A Small or a medium scale processing plant(for processing soya milk and tufe) would be more preferable. Thank.
Alexander O.B - 30/05/2019


I need the quotation for the SOYA machine, milk/paneer/curd

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