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Isoflavones and menopause

. A lot of research is being done to investigate possible health benefits of soy isoflavones in women experiencing menopause. During premenopause, women experience fluctuations in estrogen levels that can cause uncomfortable symptoms. The hormonal changes that occur during menopause can cause an increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis, in addition to a variety of symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, fatigue, and vaginal dryness. Changes in estrogen levels have far-reaching effects throughout the body. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often prescribed to reduce the negative health effects of menopause. More and more women do not want to take HRT because of the possible increased risk of breast cancer. Do soy foods provide the same health benefits as HRT without the risk of breast cancer? Scientists do not yet have the answer, but evidence is accumulating for several health benefits of soy.

Effect of soy isoflavones

A cross-cultural study of menopause found that women in Japan rarely reported the premenopausal symptoms common in the West. Post-menopausal Japanese women also have lower rates of osteoporosis and heart disease and a longer life expectancy. Since each woman reacts differently to soy, each woman should try for herself to see if incorporating soy into her diet will reduce symptoms. Many doctors recommend soy to their patients not only to relieve hot flashes, but also to help lower cholesterol and control weight gain.

Which soy products work best?

Because isoflavones are the active ingredient in soy that helps reduce menopausal symptoms, the best soy products are those with the highest amounts of isoflavones, such as whole soybeans, soy flour, soy nuts, and tempeh.


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