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SANA-USB Symposium: Creating a Healthier America—the Role of Soy

This soy symposium will be held on October 14 in Washington, organized by the United Soybean Board (USB).

Symposium highlights

These are the highlights of the SANA-USB Symposium:
  • Reversing the Trend Toward Ill Health and Obesity-How is the Nation Doing? - There are alarming reports regarding obesity. The Department of Health and Human Services called for action from restaurants, the food industry, public health professionals, the medical community. The actual situation on federal and private initiatives taken will be presented and discussed.
  • Strategies to Make Food Healthier-Changing Fat, Carbohydrate and Protein Content. - Making the public more conscious about the health benefits of foods is important to improve the health. The supply and demand for healthier products will be covered.
  • Role of Soy in Health Promotion - Overview will be given of new benefits of soy for heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, cancer and diabetes.
  • New Federal Policies Set the Stage for Healthier Foods - Revising the Dietary Guidelines and the Food Guide Pyramid - Benchmarks for healthy eating are continuously updated, based on consumer behaviour and new discoveries. Update will be given of federal efforts to improve nutrition and encourage good eating habits.
  • Revising the Food Label - Explanations will be given by the Food and Drug Administration regarding new requirements for health claims, the Nutrition Facts panel and allergen labelling.
  • New products and new trends in the food market. Soy Oil and Protein, are they Miracle Ingredients? - New Products News/Mintel Corporation will give their observations on new product introductions and the role of soy ingredients in the growth of low calorie foods and drinks and other market segments.
  • Consumer Perceptions - What are "healthier foods"? - We will try to find out what healthier foods the consumer wants. Is there a difference between the opinions of consumers in the US and consumers from other parts of the world.

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