Soya: versatile product!

In China, the soya bean has been cultivated and used in various ways for thousands of years. Soya was considered as one of the 5 sacred crops, along with rice, wheat, barley and millet.
Soya beans are very versatile: soya beans can be used as whole soya beans, soya sprouts, or processed into soya milk, tofu,
natto, soya sauce or miso. It is easy to make your own soya milk, tofu and tempeh at home. Want to make your own soy milk? Check out our
reviews of soy milk makers! Soya is also used as an ingredient in non-food products, such as
candle wax and biodiesel. Soy candles are becoming increasingly popular because they burn longer and are healthier.
Soya: healthy food!

The growing popularity of soya foods is kargely due to the many of health benefits associated with the use of soya beans. The role of soya in the prevention of chronic diseases continues to be a top priority for scientists around the world. The FDA has confirmed that foods containing
soy protein may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Such health claims are not yet allowed in Europe. Scientific studies have linked soya consumption to a reduced risk of cancer and improved bone health. Only people with a soy allergy (about 0.5 per cent of the population) should avoid eating foods containing soy protein. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the antioxidant effects of soya and in particular the health benefits of isoflavones. Soya is very important for vegetarians and vegans. Soya has a high protein content and soya is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. The easiest way to consume soya is to drink soya milk or eat soy nuts.