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Soy allergy

Soy allergy is an immune system response to soy protein that the body mistakenly believes is harmful. Once the immune system decides that soy protein is harmful, it creates specific antibodies to it. The next time the individual eats soy, the immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals, including histamine, in order to protect the body. These chemicals trigger a cascade of allergic symptoms that can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, or cardiovascular system. The symptoms of soy allergy will only occur upon re-exposure to soy. Not all soy products may cause soy allergy. Some fermented soy foods such as tempeh, shoyu and miso cause less allergy than whole soybeans, because the fermentation process partly breaks down the proteins. Only 0.5 of the population has soy allergy. Other foods that often cause allergy in adults are shellfish, peanuts (can cause severe anaphylaxis), nuts, fish and eggs. In children, the pattern is somewhat different. The most common food allergens that cause problems in children are eggs, milk and peanuts.

Soybean oil allergy

The consumption of soybean oil, which only contains traces of soy proteins, does normally not produce allergic reactions. The European food legislation does not consider refined soybean oil as an allergen. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) evaluated 2 clinical studies and concluded that is very unlikely that the consumption of fully refined soybean oil will trigger a severe allergic reaction, even in susceptible individuals.

Symptoms of soy allergy

The reported symptoms of soy allergy include: acne, angioedema, rhinitis, anaphylaxis, asthma, atopic dermatitis, bronchospasm, colitis, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, diffuse small bowel disease, dyspnea, eczema, enterocolitis, fever, hypotension, itching, laryngeal edema, lethargy, pollinosis, urticaria, vomiting, and wheezing. If you suspect that you or your child may have soy allergy, you can conduct your own tests by completely eliminating soy for a several days. Then try just one soy product to see if it causes adverse reactions. Keep in mind that intolerance reactions can occur as long as 48 hours after ingestion of an offending substance. People with soy allergy may also cross react to certain foods, such as peanuts, green peas, chick peas, lima beans, string beans, wheat, rye and barley.

How to prevent soy allergy?

If possible, only breastfeed your child and do not give solid foods until it is 6 months or older. Avoid cow's milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts and fish during your child's first year of life.


Soy allergy

I'm very allergic to soy, the effects are horrible. You don't want this. Any kind of soy is bad for me.
mamita15 - 01/11/2013

Soy Allergy - help :(

I, UNFORTUNATELY, am allergic to some soy products. The ones I have noticed the most are things like TVP and soy crisp protein bars. Some soy CHIPS I seem to be fine with so it makes no sense. All I know is that when I ingest some soy products, I have gastrointestinal upset for about 24 hours. If I try to eat them every day, well I'll be miserable every day. Problem is - I love soy products - for the most part. I don't want to give them up or avoid them - and I REALLY want to use the 5 lb bag of TVP that I bought without getting sick icon_smile.gif Is there anything I can do to counter the side affects? anything I can take or do to desensitize my system to the soy reactions?
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Tina - 01/11/2013

Soy allergy help

Tina, I noticed that you are trying to eat soy products that have other harmful ingredients included. I am wondering--could it possibly be not the soy, but the other ingredients? TVP, for example, has hydrogenated oils and artificial colors, flavors, etc. Those products that may be in there may contribute to your gastrointestinal upset, and it may not be the soy, since not all products give you the same results. Look at the ingredients in your food, and if there is hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, or flavors, then that may be the culprits, and not the soy. One more suggestion: try eating tofu and see how you feel. If you do not get gastrointestinal upset from that, then it's not the soy that you are allergic to. If you do get that from the tofu, then it very well may be the soy. Before you decide that you have an allergy to it, test out my theories. Then, if you find out you do have an allergy to soy, then there are other ways to get your protein, such as nut milks, grain milks, etc.
Hope this helps.

Tammy - 01/11/2013

Soy allergy

I and my family have been eating soy from many years, but never have experienced any such allergic conditions, that other peoples have mentioned. As per my knowledge, I would like to say only one thing,"all those who are suffering from soy have weak digestive or are allergic to soy, so also there are many people in this world who are allergic to potato, apples, spinach, etc etc.. So, does that mean these foods should be banned." It all depends on your digestive system. Check and eat...
Gaurav - 02/11/2013

Soy allergy help

Some Passover chocolate is safe. I stock up on chocolate chips and store them in the freezer.
Art Bars
Michel Cluizel

In the US, Whole Foods has an imported swiss chocolate--organic and soy-free.
Grieniclick - 02/11/2013

Do Baked Beans contain Soy?

Wondering if the sauce used in baked beans (I ate Heinz brand in the UK) typically contains soy? I have been attempting a soy elimination diet (with good effect) but these seem to throw me off the rails a bit. Many Thanks!
Dave E - 23/11/2013

Do Baked Beans contain Soy?

If soy is present in a food it should be clearly mentioned in the list of ingredients or as allergen. If you do not see soy on the label, it should be soy-free.
Rob - 23/11/2013

Do Baked Beans contain Soy?

Thanks for that... its just that I've read on a lot of sites that tomato sauce is full of soy (and that doesn't specifically list it) and I presume beans in sauce (by the same company) would also contain it... Is Glucose Fructose Syrup (HFCS) a form of soy? Many Thanks

Dave E - 23/11/2013

Do Baked Beans contain Soy?

High fructose corn syrup is made from cereal starch, mainly from corn (as the name implies). It does not contain soy at all and can be eaten when you are allergic to soy.
Rob - 23/11/2013

Cannot tolerate processed soy protein,

Hi Tina, I have soy issues too. I can eat tofu and edemame but I cannot tolerate processed soy protein, whether it's in food or face products etc, and develop angioedema.
Allison - 23/04/2014

body heat

Hi, my question is that, is it safe to have soya in ur pregnancy? does it generates heat in body? Which will harm my pregnancy? thankyou
tejal - 03/05/2014

Chocolate and soy allergy

We are Magic chocolates. We make chocolate without Soy Lecithine. In fact without any allergen. The taste of our chocolate is a fine handcrafted organic pure chocolate. If you are interested, look on our website and webshop on and let us know what you think...
Peter Heerwegh - 01/06/2014

Be careful guys

All of you who have a slight intolerance and can continue to eat soy, learn from my mistake. I was exactly that way, and continued eating bits of soy here and there. Suddenly, I developed an even more severe allergic reaction to it, and now, if even the smallest amount is ingested, I have a severe and life threatening response in my body. Soy is in everything! Try to wane off as much as possible, so that you can continue to handle it in small amounts without fear of death.
Jay - 13/11/2014

Soy is negative to Thyroid health

Soy is negative to Thyroid health!! A rise in Thyroid problems is noted as more & more soy is added to our food. Are we killing ourselves gradually by eating Soy because the greedy food manufacturers want to make money???? So Sad!
Martha - 09/05/2015

Soy allergy

Does anyone know at what ppm level of soy you would have to create an allergic reaction? Like for gluten the FDA states "gluten free" is 20 ppm.
Heather - 07/07/2015

Soy allergy

For soy protein LOAEL's (lowest observable adverse effect level ) of 88 and 522 mg have been reported in scientific literature. There are no legal threshold values for soy protein in soy-free foods as they exist for gluten.
Rob - 07/07/2015

Soy is the worst!!!!!!

Does any one know if non-gmo soy is safe? I had less soy issues when traveling to Japan, but in the U.S. even the tiniest amount of soy or soy oil sets off itchiness, hives, pimples, and indigestion. I was wondering if any one had luck with organic soy sauce. And to any one with doubt, soy oil is absolutely an allergen!!!!! No mayo please!
Libby - 01/08/2015

Soy sauce vs. soy milk/yogurt

I can have soy sauce without noticing any allergic reaction, but if I have soy milk or yogurt, my throat starts getting scratchy and I have to take an allergy pill. Does anyone have any idea why I can have soy sauce but not the rest?
Brian - 30/08/2015

Soy sauce vs. soy milk/yogurt

A soy allergy is triggered by soy protein. Most soy products such as soy milk, tofu or soy yoghurt contain soy protein. Soy sauce, such as tamari or shoyu, has undergone a long fermentation period whereby most protein is broken down by bacteria and moulds into amino acid, which are no longer allergenic. This explains why you are not allergic to soy sauce but that you do react to soy milk and soy yoghurt.
Rob - 01/09/2015

Soy allergy

I am allergic to soy. Everything seems to have soy in it. (Read labels at grocery store) Many items are not labeled "soy." They may say: lecithin, vegetable oil, vegetable flavors, natural flavors, natural emulsifier, etc. Many restaurants use vegetable oil (soy) which makes it almost impossible to eat out without getting sick. How do I find ALL the names used for soy in product labeling? Who regulates the fillers used in food? Soy lecithin in a Hershey bar, soy flour in bread, soy oil in tuna in spring water are fillers. Or are consumers supposed to believe there is some nutritional benefit to these additives? They literally make me sick!
sick&tired - 04/09/2015

soy allergy

Hi! I've been allergic to soy for almost 10 years now and I have come to tell you that you are doing it wrong. I know why your allergies never heal! Stop eating soy is much harder than one can think. I've found out 3 years that ALL raised ANIMALS will eat soy in their feed and the soy flavina will move on to the next body and then into yours. Since then I can only dream of having my own farm to raise my own animals organically and naturally! Until then I'm only eating wild caught fish and that's what I recommend to all of you peers!
lucas - 15/09/2015


It is one component in soy been that trigger and cause bad reaction, ER involved.I am thinking may be 1 allergen cause the mess, so much food
and soy everywhere. Allergy test may help, ask specific for all soy components this way you know what component avoid, more food with soy now,and we have to eat.
kicia - 08/10/2015

Please update

The advice listed above for breastfeeding mothers is incomplete. Soy protein can, unfortunately, be passed through breast milk. Because of this, breastfeeding mothers need to watch for signs of soy allergies as well, and eliminate it from their own diets if they see symptoms, in order to keep the soy protein from passing to their baby. Breast milk is best, but it is not fool proof when it comes to allergies.
Britt - 07/03/2016

Soybean oil,and soy lecithin

I seem to be allergic to soybean oil (used in frisk store and grills at restaurants) and soy lecithin, but not fermented soy products like tempeh and soy sauce. I break out in a rash after eating something with processed soy in it. Most chocolate is out but there are a few manufacturers that make chocolate without soy lechiten - Theo and Trader Joes (check the labels). I have not tested tofu as it is fermented but I'm not sure if long enough, and then it might be fried in vegetable,oil with soy oil. Ahh. And soy is in pancake mixes too!
ellen - 02/04/2016

Soybean oil,and soy lecithin

It's very strange that you are allergic to soybean oil, because soybean oil does not contain soy proteins (or only traces), which are the cause of allergy. Soy and soy products have indeed health benefits for most people (98%), who are not allergic to soy. Soy lecithin is used as emulsifier. Why? Because it's cheap and works very well. There are alternatives but they cost more.
Rob - 04/04/2016

not use soy

Can maybe everyone and their mother not use soy in every maker forsaken thing you make to eat? Yeah thanks for that.
Jesse - 22/06/2016


does soy candles also affect people with soybean allergies
Steve Johnson - 01/10/2016


Dear Friends, for many years I devoured tempeh in many recipes, mostly home-made. One time I had it about seven years ago and developed a minor anaphylactic attack. I haven't used tempeh since but do use tofu, miso etc often. Would it be safe to try tempeh again and presume it was just a bizarre one off previously? Best regards, Gareth
Gareth Thompson - 31/10/2016

Food Allergy Sufferer

I am allergic to soy and one thing I want to mention is the severe frustration I experience when I see companies change from Olive Oil or Canola Oil to Soybean Oil. I still get sick from Soybean Oil and I highly question the research that suggest Soybean Oil is safe if you are allergic to Soy. Not True in my case anyway. I also want to mention that Soy is in the Legume Family and if you are allergic to Soy you may be allergic to all legumes. This includes peanuts, other types of beans, licorice, etc. A food challenge is the only way to make for sure. Unfortunately I am allergic to all Legumes, not just Soy. I really miss my pork and beans.
Shane - 06/11/2016

Soy intolerance

I definitely have a soy intolerance, and eating even a tiny amount sends me to the toilet for hours with gas, nausea, and diarrhea. A nightmare!
StaciKate - 08/11/2016

If anyone is having a reaction to soya oil it is the non-refined variety and the individual is very sensitive. Highly refined soya oil doesn't cause anaphylaxis. Fermented soya (the traditional way and non-GM) is healthier.
reb - 20/02/2017

Soybean Oil is the devil's ingredient

On top of being lactose intolerant, I have noticed soybean oil causes me to have gastrointestinal distress sometimes followed by hours in the bathroom with cramps, etc. I'd noticed that other unnatural ingredients contibute to my bathroom issues as well. I have been trying to avoid processed foods and drinks for a few months now and although it can be challenging to constantly be aware of what is in the foods you are putting in your mouth, it is worth it. After eating more raw and natural ingredients, I have more energy, a flat healthy tummy and best of all I don't even feel bloated or get thoes same bathroom issues. Restaurants and more processed food manufacturer's need to switch to Olive oil. The health of our nation is at risk, and although more costly, Olive oil is much better for our health.
Allison - 23/02/2017


soy makes me sick to,I feel your pain .
I wish they would use soybeans to make fuel and put the corn back in our foods.
Guest - 25/08/2018

Something odd

I use soy products in a lot, I'm Asian...I drink soy milk, eat tofu, soy bean stalks, and even eat edamame, and use a lot of soy sauce in cooking. My boyfriend is trying to lower his carb intake bc he's diabetic and so I decided to try soy flour I picked up at an Indian market to replace wheat flour bc it's much lower in carbs. Both times I ate a muffin I made with it I got headaches and nauseous. Just not I was experimenting with making homemade noodles with it and the smell started giving me a headache... What gives? Like I said I eat a lot of soy products regularly with no issues...
Amy - 03/09/2018

soy allergy

i incidentally discovered i am allergic to soy oil in 1990, and guinea-pig'd myself, discovered soy induces bursitis, extends injury recovery time, causes injuries to hurt longer, and in large enough exposures, causes old or merely recent injuries to hurt, exacerbated by cold temperatures. can also assist in triggerring low-level asthma discomfort. corn, palm and coconut oil have similar but lesser reactions of reduced duration. canola, peanut, sunflower, safflouer, and several others induce a slight burning in my throat, and lower-level bursitis. olive oil is the least reactionary. i can even have a bursitis event from corn-or-soy-fed beef, chicken,or pork! never anything anaphylactical, tho. my migraines only vanished after i had all my mercuric dental fillings removed, (never able to connect them with anything else and not why i had them removed!). my father reduced his soy intake, and noticed fewer bursitis flare-ups, as well. I carefully read most of my intake, and do not seem to have a problem with msg, either; i even add it to my cooking. pity, tho, i still crave roasted salted soy 'nuts' 25 years later.
J. L. - 12/10/2019

soy allergy

For many years now Ive been pretty sure that Im allergic to soy. I never went to a doctor for it because the reaction is fairly mild. It took me quite a while to figure out what the allergy was. I would get ill as a kid after eating certain foods, but I didnt figure it out for sure until I had soy milk in college and had a fairly strong reaction.

So Ive found that Im allergic to foods that have soy flour, soy protein, and soy lecithin. However I am not allergic to soybean oil soy sauce. That was all fine and dandy until a few nights ago....

I went to a sushi restaurant with some friends. As an appetizer they ordered edamame - boiled and salted soybeans. Well I had never had soybeans before, and I guess I was feeling brave, so I tried one. They were pretty good, so I had a few more. What happened? Nothing I didnt feel sick at all. So apparently Im allergic to things made from soybeans, but not the beans themselves. Weird....
infoncili - 03/12/2019

Oral Allergy

I have no problem with soy, except for soy milk and tofu hua. Soy milk makes my throat very itchy, and tofu hua (a tofu jello, of sorts) makes it just a tiny bit itchy. Tofu itself is fine, as is soy sauce, miso, edamame, and soybean oil (aka vegetable oil in the U.S.). I also get throat itchiness from some raw fruits and nuts. Very strange how allergies work.
Poemi - 03/12/2020

Allergic to any soy

i am allergic to any soy, even the smallest amounts, and lately i have been forced to cook myself. it is the only way! soy has invaded our lives... i make chocolate, cheese, ice-cream, yoghurt, hamburger meat, bread....etc...etc... overwhelming and tiring at times. I am lucky to have been brought up in a family with sit-around-the-table traditions, so making food myself is mostly a fun challenge. however it is so frustrating not to be able to go out and eat somewhere or pick up some goodies at a deli on the way home, like i used to, when soy was not so widely spread. i would like to encourage people with soy and other food allergies - cook yourself, be creative,and enjoy the healthiest meals you'd ever get!!!
Olga - 13/12/2020

Diarrhoea shortly after consuming food containing Soy Sauce

My gf has recently started experiencing diarrhoea shortly after consuming food containing Soy Sauce. She drinks soy milk in coffee and can eat tofu without and repercussions though. Is this likely to be an intolerance to Soy or something else at play? We are confused that it only appears to be soy sauce that sets her off. Could it be to do with the quantities that are being consumed? Even so I would expect Soy milk to contain a higher dose of the allergen? Thanks
Tom - 18/02/2021

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