What is natto?

Production of natto
Natto can be challenging to find but it is easy to produce at home. You can use old natto as a starter but to be on the safe side it is recommended to use a good quality natto starter. Basically you steam soaked soybeans for 45 minutes in a pressure cooker, add the natto starter, incubate at 40°C and 12 hours later you have fresh natto. All processes need to be done very hygienically to prevent contamination with foreign bacteria.Eating natto
In Japan natto is traditionally flavoured with soy sauce and mustard and eaten on top of rice. You can also eat it as such, or add some salt or finely chopped onions.Comments
Books about natto
There are a lot of good English books about other soyfoods, but not about natto. If you are interested in a very detailed history of natto you can download a free book from Soyinfo Center.Rob - 11/04/2015
Eat natto daily, still don't like its taste
After reading about all the health benefits of nato I am consuming it daily. Only one teaspoon every day, I hope that is enough. But I still don't like the taste of it. I just eat it like it is. I don't find that adding mustard or soysauce is improving its taste.Pia - 18/12/2016
Dr Mercola is a quack. Unfortunate that this website with so much great and scientific information even consider such a person.
Ken - 09/01/2017
Ken - 09/01/2017
Telkom University Jakarta
Welke gezondheidsvoordelen biedt natto en hoe draagt Bacillus natto bij aan deze voordelen? Telkom University Jakartaaisyah - 26/10/2024
Books about natto
Are there any good books about natto?Marija - 11/04/2015