What is tofu?

Types of tofu
Firm tofu - Firm tofu is dense and can be cubed and stir-fried, grilled, scrambled, pickled, smoked, baked, barbecued or served in soups. Firm tofu is higher in protein, fats and calcium than other types of tofu.Soft tofu - Soft tofu is more suited for recipes in which tofu needs to be blended.
Silken tofu - Silken tofu has a creamy structure and is also used in blended dishes. In Japan, silken tofu is consumed as such with some soy sauce.
Benefits of tofu
Rich in Nutrients - Tofu is rich in both high quality protein and B-vitamins. Tofu is, therefore, an excellent substitute for meat in many vegetarian recipes. As opposed to soya milk, tofu contains a lot of calcium. This calcium originates from the coagulant (nigari). When making tofu, the soy proteins are precipitated with calcium, providing tofu with a ready source of calcium. Calcium in tofu contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis.Easy to digest - An additional benefit of tofu is that it is extremely easy to digest. This is because the soybean's fiber is removed during the manufacturing process.
Reduce cholesterol - As most other soyfoods, tofu reduces heart disease by lowering the level of the "bad" LDL cholesterol, and as the result maintaining the level of "good" HDL cholesterol.
Rich in isoflavones - Tofu is rich in isoflavones. When making tofu, the soy isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, remain bound to the soy protein. Firm tofu contains about 35 mg isoflavones per 100g. Isoflavones will reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a disease associated with reduced bone density and increased bone fractures. Isoflavones will also lower rates of breast cancer and prostate cancer, and reduce menopausal symptoms including mood swings and hot flushes.
kidney stones
In China a 55 year old man got stones in his kidney because of consuming excess tofuShoukath - 10/06/2015
Re: Kidney stones
the reason the man in China got kidney stones was because he didn't drink enough water to help his body deal with the calcium in all the tofu he ate, so make sure to drink water!Roxanna - 12/06/2015
Re: re: Kidney stones
Or, instead of trying to do things to compensate for the excess minerals you're putting into your body... Maybe you could just eat less tofu.Azoth - 29/06/2015
or switch your tofu for red meat...Askhati - 21/08/2015
Or as they say everything should be Doné in moderation.Too much consumption of tofu can lead to kidney stones says someone. Just as too many tomatoes can . To put it in perspective man evolved in a manner that doesn't suggest he should consume any cereals at all. It should be a diet of green vegetables, berries and fruit supplemented with animal flesh for protein and fat.Rico - 09/09/2015
Thank You
I am transitioning to a vegan diet, so it was really nice to come across this informational site. Thank you for taking the time to help educate me on a great meat alternative!Kelsey - 06/11/2015
Who knew?
In 1349 tofu was imported to Norway in large quantities due to its high levels of isoflavones which proved beneficent in the fight agains the black deathBal A' Roguet - 25/11/2015
Soy-chunk is better than Tofu
Boiled/stewed soy-chunks are nutritionally better than tofu as it contains more protein than tofu/meat/fish/egg. However, it does not have much minerals like tofu. To prevent aging, vegetarians may eat vegetable-soup with soy-chunks along with semi-baked salaad. Non-vegetarians may eat baked-fish along with semi-baked salaads to stave off ageing. The fish-head ( which some people avoid eating ) contain more nutrients. Chilly-powder accelerates aging. Although the skin of chillies contain vitamin C, the seeds contain toxins. Have seeded ( seeds are discarded ) chillies or black-pepper. Black-pepper contains Vanadium which prevent cancers. However, excess black-pepper can also be harmful to health. Consumption of spices, salt, sugar & oil is inversely-proportional to lifespan.Rajib Kumar Roy - 11/12/2015
Hot flashes
Well I'm trying new things for hot flashes I am already drinking soy milk so is that enough or should I do more the hot flashes are horrible.Patty - 27/12/2015
Thats ridiculous
"Chilly-powder accelerates aging"I eat chili peppers and powder on everything my whole life. I'm 31 and still get carded for beer.
JayF - 05/02/2016
Tofu or not tofu
I am on a quest to become hard-core vegan, being an avid meat eater and chef for more than 20yrs this decision will have serious impact on my professional and personal life (family is rather carnivorous). Articles like this will definitely help me to get as informed as possible. I always looked at tofu with a bit of contempt, thinking it is not really food ... I am now atually on my way to go and buy my first tofu :)Never too old to learn :)
Bart Van Capellen - 16/03/2016
tofu and menopause
I am going through the menopause at the age of 53 and it is no laughing matter. I have not had a good night sleep for nearly two years and i refuse to take medication for sleep. I have read a lot about the two main hormones that my body does not produce and more and so I need to eat food that have those two hormones which are estrogen and progesterone. My understanding is that tofu is a good source of plant progesterone so thank you for this information. I have ever eaten tofu in my life so I will need recipe for that as well. Keep up the good work and thanks again JudyJudy Browne - 21/03/2016
not anything to do with tofu
the lady Judy Browne - Black cohosh and milk thistle vitamins will squash your hot flashesNorma Sawyer - 09/04/2016
Who knew....
Who knew there was so much to know about tofu...Gareth hopkins - 26/01/2015