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QT400 Premium Automatic Soymilk Maker

qt400The QT400 is a medium sized soymilk maker, consisting of a stainless steel barrel and a plastic machine head. This is one of the few soymilk maker with bottom-heating, instead of a heating element attached to the machine head. The QT400 is the only soymilk maker in our test, which can also make soymilk directly from unsoaked beans. The soymilk making process is controlled by a microcomputer. The filter consists of a stainless steel mesh filter, which is easily screwed on the head of the machine (it screws on anti-clockwise, direction LOCK is mentioned on cup). The soybeans can be put in the filter cup beforehand or through a special opening (feeding window) in the head of the soymilk maker. The grinding knife has 4 blades and is attached to the head. The QT400 has three buttons: one for making soymilk from raw beans (left), one for soaked beans (middle) and one for heating only (right). The QT400 also includes a dripping cup, brush, and stainless-steel safe scouring pad plus a lid that skims off the foam from the top of the soy milk. The Owner's Manual includes more than a dozen recipes, including smoothies, soups, and bread.
We tested this soymilk maker for producing soymilk from unsoaked raw soybeans as well as from soaked (8 hours) soybeans. The owner's manual has recipes for making rice and almond milk.

Operating instructions

These are the operating instructions as described in the owner's manual:
  • Make from pre-soaked beans: Measure one full cup of raw beans (80g) using the measuring cup and immerse them in water for 6-8 hours. Rinse them again before grinding.
    Make from raw unsoaked beans: Measure one full cup of raw soybeans (80g) using the measuring cup and rinse them before grinding.
    You can add up to 100 g of soybeans for optimal effect.
  • Add water in the barrel between the two water marks. You can use warm water (max 70°C) to speed up the process. Do not use distilled water.
  • Secure the filter cup securely to the machine head.
  • Attach the machine head on top of the cylinder, making sure that the electric outlet and pins are matched perfectly and firmly.
  • Lift the cover of the bean filling hole and fill the beans from the top into the cup.
  • Connect the power cord to the socket of the machine head and the power source (110V!). Select the desired mode of operation (raw beans, soaked beans or heating)and press the on/off button to start the operation.
  • The machine will buzz when it is done. Disconnect the power cord , take out the machine head and immerse the bottom part in the rinsing cup with cold water.

Test results of QT400 soymilk maker (with SOAKED beans)

For this test, 100 g dry soybeans were used and first soaked in water for 8 hours. Then they were rinsed and added to the soymilk maker together with 1330 ml cold water.
  • Mixing temperature. The temperature at which the first milling will start should be high enough (around 80°C) to avoid beany taste. We tested this by using cold (15°C) and warm (35°C) water. In both cases, the milling started at a temperature of respectively 78°C and 79°C.
  • Yield of soymilk.
    The strength of the soymilk is 3.9% dissolved solids and total quantity is 1207 ml. The soymilk contains about 4% suspended matter, which is quite low. Total yield calculated from these figures is 51%, which is average.
  • Taste.
    The taste of the soymilk produced by the QT400 is good and comparable to commercial soymilk without additives (such as salt and sugar).
  • Cleaning
    It is easy to clean this soymilk maker. Most of the heating takes place before grinding process so there is nearly no build up of dirt on the bottom plate. You can actually wipe it clean with a damp paper towel. It is important to flush the filter cup immediately after use and before allowing it to cool. The parts of the head that get dirty can be flushed under streaming water. Only the inside of the barrel should come in contact with water. The outside of the barrel and the handles should never be rinsed under water because they are not completely sealed and water could come into contact with electric elements.

Test results of QT400 soymilk maker (with RAW beans)

For this test, 100 g dry soybeans, which were rinsed with water and added directly to the soymilk maker together with 1330 ml cold water.
  • Yield of soymilk.
    The strength of the soymilk is 3.8% dissolved solids and total quantity is 1121 ml. The soymilk contains about 10% suspended matter. Total yield calculated from these figures is 43%, which is rather low. The total volume of soymilk is lower because the dry soybeans absorb a lot of water.
  • Taste.
    The taste of the soymilk produced from unsoaked beans was surprisingly good. The smell of this soymilk was even less beany than that produced from soaked beans and taste was also slighly less bitter and more sweet. Color was slightly darker. The okara (soy pulp) was rather coarse and a few whole beans were still present.

QT400 advantages

  • Large quantity of soymilk per batch.
  • The QT400 looks very stylish.
  • Feeding window makes loading of soybeans easy.
  • Easy to dismantle and clean.
  • Low pulp content of soymilk (using soaked soybeans).
  • It is possible to make soymilk directly from raw unsoaked soybeans.


  • Only 110V model is available



Whats the advantage of having a bottom heating element vs. a top heating element?
and what has to be different about the machine that makes it able to have a dry beans option?
Name - 23/10/2014

A bottom heating element is a bit easier to clean. The main advantage of being able to use unsoaked soybeans is of course that you win time. Also you don't loose nutrients in the soaking water. But I find that the taste of the resulting soy milk is not that good (more beany taste).
Rob - 24/10/2014

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