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Banana bread


100 g soya flour
50 ml soymilk
2 eggs
250 g rice flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
3 ripe bananas

Recipe directions

Beat the eggs and mash the banana. Combine the ingredients (eggs, banana, banana, soy flour, soy milk, rice flour, baking powder and salt) and mix all ingredients. Put dough in greased bread tin. Let it stand for 30 min in a warm place and then cook the bread in a oven at 190°C for 60 min. Remove the banana bread from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.

Makes 1 banana bread.

Banana facts

It was only around 1900 when the banana found its way to Europe.
The banana is very convenient to eat: you don?t need a knife or fork, you don?t make a mess and the banana is always packed in the banana peel!
There are many banana varieties. The banana, which is available in the Western world, is of good and constant quality but if you realy need a delicious banana you will have to go to the tropics.
Only a few international companies dominate the world banana trade.


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