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Dr Mercola

Dr Mercola is well known for his unconventional views on health issues. Dr. Mercola is very clever. He spreads accusations putting people off eating certain foods while he promotes other healthy products that he sells on his website. A lot of his statements are anecdotes that make very good reading. The problem is that the average consumer will believe Mercola but we know that his conclusions are not always scientific evidence. Mercola is using the ignorance of the consumer to further his own agenda.

Mercola is anti-soy

These are some of the accusations against soy on Mercola’s website:
  • Soy May Cause Cancer and Brain Damage
  • High Soy Diet During Pregnancy And Nursing May Cause Developmental Changes In Children
  • Soy Can Cause Severe Allergic Reactions
  • Soy Supplements Fail to Help Menopause Symptoms
  • Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Soy Products
  • Soy Can Lead to Kidney Stones
  • Soy Baby Formula Linked to Behavioral Problems
  • Soy Formula Exposes Infants To High Hormone Levels
  • Soy Weakens Your Immune System
Despite all accusations of Mercola, evidence shows that soy has many health benefits when consumed as part of a healthy diet. The only correct accusation of Mercola is that some people (less than 1 percent) are allergic to soy and should of course avoid eating soy. But dairy products, for which soy products are often a substitute, produce even more allergic reactions.

Many of the statements of Mercola are based on badly designed scientific experiments or on studies with results are not statistically significant. The health benefits of soy are often only visible after years (or decades) of consumption and cannot be demonstrated with short-term laboratory experiments. For example, soy products consumed by girls during their adolescence may reduce their risk of breast cancer more than 20 years later. How can you prove or disprove this with laboratory experiments?

Mercola gives conflicting information

For some reason Mercola does not like soy, but he approves of 4 soy products: miso, tempeh, natto and soybean sprouts: “There are some redeeming qualities to soy, however these are found primarily in fermented soy products like tempeh, miso and natto and soybean sprouts. If you want to get some health benefits from soy, stick to these four forms and pass up the processed soy milks, soy burgers, soy ice cream, soy cheese, and the myriad of other soy junk foods that are so readily disguised as health foods.” Mercola’s statement is very conflicting. These 4 soy products contain significant amounts of isoflavones, a soy component that Mercola dislikes the most. What is true is that these 4 soy products do not compete much with other foods whereas others do: soy milk competes with cow milk, soy burgers compete with meat burgers, soy cheese competes with dairy cheese,...


FDA warning for Mercola

In 2005, the FDA ordered Mercola to stop making illegal claims for products sold through his website. The claims to which the FDA objected involved three products. On year later the FDA sent Mercola a second warning that was based on four product labels collected during an inspection at his facility and on claims made on the Optimum Wellness Center Web site.
Vianne - 17/11/2013

Weston A. Price Foundation

The Weston A. Price Foundation advocates controversial and unscientific views on nutrition. They promote the consumption of saturated fats, butter, raw cow's milk, lots of meat but limit the use of fruits and vegetables. And they hate soy!

Go to theWeston A. Price Foundation web site and read the open letter to president-elect Barack Obama from Sally Fallon Morell, Preident.

She pleades for the President elect to stop the Illinois Dept. of corrections from slowly killing inmates from a diet high in soy protein.

288 studies by the U.S. Food and Drug Aminstration indicates that soy is toxic and consuming more than 20 grams per day leads to health problems including nutrient deficiencies, digestive disorders, endocrine disruption, thyroid problems, irritable bowel syndrome and more.

Bill - 22/11/2013

mercola on soy

i was reading your website and was Very disappointed. I feel the I have been 'lied to by omit ion' Have you ever heard of phytates??
I read:
Mercola is using the ignorance of the consumer to further his own agenda. These are some of the accusations on Mercola?s website:
Soy May Cause Cancer and Brain Damage
High Soy Diet During Pregnancy And Nursing May Cause Developmental Changes In Children
Soy Can Cause Severe Allergic Reactions
Soy Supplements Fail to Help Menopause Symptoms
Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Soy Products
Soy Can Lead to Kidney Stones
Soy Baby Formula Linked to Behavioral Problems
Soy Formula Exposes Infants To High Hormone Levels
Soy Weakens Your Immune System
Despite all accusations of Mercola, evidence shows that soy has many health benefits, when consumed as part of a healthy diet.

Hello???!!! You are a soy website and do not know why phytates are bad?? When you ferment(sprout) soy you destroy the phytates. Thats why orientals Never eat soy unless it is fermented ie. miso, tempheh etc. for thousands of years. Soy products are BAD for your health Unless they are sprouted. Phytates block mineral and vitamin absorbtion. Is this NOT scienticfic??? Sounds like Your website has an agenda- dont speak the truth on unfermented soy products.
I get the feeling no one at this website would ever concider reading the book 'the whole soy story'.
Jay - 01/05/2014

mercola on soy

Phytates are not bad!
Phytates are present in all cereals and legumes. Phytic acid is a phytochemical with many health benefits. Research has traditionally focused on the structure of phytates and its ability to bind minerals, proteins and starch, and the resulting lower absorption of these elements. However, resent research have shown that phytic acid has many health promoting effects: phytates have antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidemic effects. Phytates also lower blood glucose response by reducing the rate of starch digestion and slowing the gastric emptying.

If soy is bad because of its phytates, why aren?t other cereals attacked such as wheat, oats, rice,??

These are the phytic acid level of some foods (per 100 g):
- soy: 1.25 g
- wheat: 0.99 g
- wheat bran: 3.61 g
- rice: 0.89 g

Compared to other cereals soy does not contain a lot of phytates. However, soy is also rich in nutrients! Soy contains 5x more calcium and 2x more iron than wheat. Relatively to its protein, iron and calcium content, soy contains even less phytates than wheat and rice!

Rob - 01/05/2014

mercola on soy

Thank you for trying to correct the misinformation from Dr. Mercola. The other site that is a problem is Weston A Price Foundation which puts out opinion and diatribe instead of balanced information.
I just read about some new studies that showed women that had experienced breast cancer lived longer when adding soy to their diet (over the women that excluded it). Article might have been NY Times, I wish I would have saved it.
Maggie - 02/05/2014

Mercola is a quack

Although I agree with Mercola's stance on the dangers of the flu vaccine and the importance of D3, I don't agree with anything else the man says. He says that he isn't a fan of supplements, but that's all he does is sell and promote supplements. I don't think he's ever written a book or sold a product that helped anyone. He advocates dairy milk,and hates soy milk. I've switched from putting dairy milk in my coffee to now putting soy milk in my coffee.. no more bad breath.
Matt - 01/09/2014

Mercola adores natto

Although Dr. Mercola hates soy he adores natto! This is what he writes: "I am so convinced of its value that I am now consuming a serving nearly every day."
Cristina - 01/09/2015


funny that people think a man made product can be good for them. soy is even used to induce thyroid cancer when combined with the pharmaceutical thyroid hormones they give people in laboratory experiments, also the Israeli government issued a warning to its citizens not to eat it. soy is genetically modified this means that it will alter your DNA. the chinese have never eaten it only used it for adding nitrogen to the soil and when they do eat it, it is the royal version which is fermented for 50 years
dave - 27/06/2016


Keep eating your soy, but it's all GMO except the organic soy used to make natto. Soy is poison!
Jordan Alexander - 10/11/2019


Mercola stated that Asians don't eat tofu, they eat fermented soy like natto, miso, tempeh so in his mind, all of Asia is Japan. I'm from China and my relatives regularly eat tofu. In fact, I'm sure none of them have ever tried these fermented varieties he speaks of. Just this fact alone - that he feels comfortable pulling facts out of his @$$ when he sure as hell has never stepped foot in China- should tell you something about the credibility of anything this man claims to be true. This is very easy to verify: just go to China or ask anybody who's from China. But no, he didn't even bother to do that and now he looks like a fool. I'd call him a modern day Aristotle. Aristotle was so certain that men had more teeth than women even though it would've been SO EASY to count some teeth and realize that men and women have an equal number of teeth.
Mercola is Trash - 26/12/2020


He has opened my eyes up to so much and I'm really grateful for him...
He's right about soy. It's not the original soy, it's GMO at this stage, almost all soy produced is.
Also, look into the dangers of linoleic acid.
Animal fats, coconut oil, avocado oil and olive oil etc... Minimal to zero linoleic acid, healthiest fats for us. Vegetable oils are literally slow killers
Mercola - 09/07/2021

Dr. Mercola informative and trustworthy

Dr. Mercola is my favorite doctor and I trust and respect him over all other doctors. Unfermented soy is poison!
Cindi Cook - 19/09/2021


So, Dr.Mercola puts people off eating certain foodstuffs while promoting others that he sells.Errr, but this website isn't promoting anything?
I have followed Dr.Mercola for years. He is one of the kindest, most principled, knowledgeable and courageous people I know. His products are in a class of their own, but you don't need to buy them, his information is free.I believe in freedom of choice: if you want to eat unfermented , usually GMO, processed soya products, full of linoleic acid, then do.But come on, quit slandering a good man!
Carol Blumenthal - 23/09/2021


This article quotes Dr. Mercola's contradiction about different soy types, but he only states that he is not a fan of "processed" soy. There is no contradiction in his statement. It's how each of us interprets what we read.
Soy Nut - 10/05/2022

GMO Round-up Ready and Glyphosate

I have great respect for Dr. Mercola, but if you would do more research you will find out that most soy crops are GMO and are sprayed with Round-up Ready that has the toxic ingredient Glyphosate. It can cause birth defects, and cancers such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma. consume soy, it must be USDA Organic and also must be fermented to be considered healthy.
Glyphosate use and associations with non-Hodgkin lymphoma major histological sub-types: findings from the North American Pooled Project Dr. Stephanie Seneff As you read this you will know why you need to eat only USD Organic fermented soy. only.
EliseG - 23/06/2022

Mercla has the most up to date information

I don't appreciate you attacking Dr. Mercola. There is no financial gain for him concerning soy.
The biggest question surrounding soy milk is whether or not it is good for you, and the answer is a resounding "no." In conventional farming practices, 94% of total acres are used for growing GMO soybeans,6 which are also herbicide-tolerant, meaning that the beans can be sprayed with glyphosate, glufosinate and dicamba.

Soy is high in lectins, which are carbohydrate-binding proteins that are classified as antinutrients and serve as deterrents to animals. Another example of a plant-derived product that has lectins are castor beans, which contain so many of these antinutrients that they're toxic to most organisms.

The specific lectin found in soy is called soybean agglutinin (SBA). It's considered the main antinutrient found in soy products. According to a 2018 study in the International Journal of Molecular Science, SBA can decimate gut health by affecting "intestinal structure, barrier function, mucosal immune system and balance of intestinal flora."

If you're going to eat soy products, the safest way to consume them and avoid lectin is by fermenting them. A study published in Food Research International notes that fermenting beans can reduce lectin content by up to 95%.
Honest Health - 23/11/2022

Master of my own domain

Who will stop the FDA from making their illegal claims? Merciless is right a far more frequently than the FDA, PLUS he’s not in the hip pocket of the pharma cartel.
Icall bee Ess - 09/01/2023

When people start trusting the FDA more than a qualified nutritionists and doctors like Joseph Mercola. God help us :(
tcio - 22/01/2023

Mercla has the most up to date information

The mere fact that For the last few thousand years the Asian/ Chinese people have only consumed fermented Soy tells me all I need to know. Also worthy of note is that I don't trust multinational (American in particular) corp-orations (Dead people taking ie Zombies)very much either these days and most of the worlds supply is controlled by these people and I don't like round up in my tummy at all. With many thanks to you Doctor Mercola. Steve
Steve Grey - 02/02/2023

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