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Soy and gout

Gout or inflammatory arthritis is affecting more than 3 million people in the United States. Gout is a disease created by a build-up of uric acid in the body fluids. The elevated level of uric acid results in the deposition of monosodium urate or uric acid crystals on the articular cartilage of joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. These crystals provoke an inflammatory reaction of these tissues. All cells contain purines, which are building blocks for RNA and DNA. During digestion the purines are converted into uric acid which is secreted by our kidneys and our gut. Defects in the functioning of the kidney that may be genetically determined are responsible for the predisposition of individuals for developing gout. Individuals with increased risk of gout should limit the intake of purine-rich food such as meat and seafood. Soy is considered as a food rich in purines and often considered less suitable for individuals with gout. But is soy really that bad for gout sufferers?

Studies about soy and gout

During the "Fourth International Symposium on the Role of Soy in Prventing and Treating Chronic Disease" in 2001 there was a paper presented on the link between isoflavones an osteoarthritis. Researchers at the University of Washington conducted a study involving 225 women to measure the association of isoflavone intake with osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and is prevalent in over 80 percent of adults aged 55 and older. The results of this study suggested that the regular consumption of soy may be associated with a lower prevalence of arthritis. The use of postmenopausal estrogen may be associated with a higher prevalence of arthritis. A Japanese study by Yamakita and co-workers of Hyogo College of Medicine concluded that tofu is a safe source of protein for gout patients due to its small and transient effect on plasma urate levels. They found that the intake of tofu by normal individuals only slightly increased the plasma level but no such significant rise was observed in gout patients (1). Another study by Hyon K and co-workers found that a moderate intake of purine rich vegetables is not associated with increased risk of gout. This was a large scale study involving more than 45.000 men over a period of 12 years. Higher intake of meat and seafood consumption showed and increased risk of gout, whereas a high intake of dairy products was linked with a decreased risk. The consumption of purine-rich vegetables or individual purine-rich vegetables was not associated with the risk of gout. Protein rich foods tend to contain higher levels of purines but the proteins seems to lower the serum uric level, especially vegetable protein (2). A recent review study conducted at the Loma Linda University by Messina and co-workers concluded that based on the existing data there is no reason for individuals with gout or at risk of developing gout to avoid soyfoods (3). The researchers took data from six epidemiologic studies and found no evidence that consumption of soyfoods is associated with uric acid levels, hyperuricemia or gout.


(1) Yamakita J, Yamamoto T, Moriwaki Y, Takahashi S, Tsutsumi Z, Higashino K. Effect of Tofu (bean curd) ingestion and on uric acid metabolism in healthy and gouty subjects. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1998;431:839-42.
(2) Choi HK, Atkinson K, Karlson EW, Willett W, Curhan G. Purine-rich foods, dairy and protein intake, and the risk of gout in men. N Engl J Med. 2004 Mar 11;350(11):1093-103.
(3) Messina et al. Soyfoods, hyperuricemia and gout: a review of the epidemiologic and clinical data. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2011;20(3):347-58.


Does soya contain uric acid?

Is soya safe for people with high uric acid? i understand that beans, legumes etc contain uric acid.
Guest - 11/04/2008

Does soya contain uric acid?

Uric acid is not consumed with food but uric acid is a normal product of our metabolism of purines. The disease gout is characterized by elevated blood levels of uric acid. This may be caused by other diseases that increase production or decrease the excretion of uric acid. Soy belongs to the food products with moderate to high levels of purines. The purine level in soybeans seems high but soy is also rich in other nutrients. For the same amount of protein, soybeans and other soy products (tofu, tempeh, soymilk) contain less purines than meat and vegetables. If you suffer from gout, you can eat soy products in moderation, in the context of a healthy and low fat diet. Following foods should be eliminated: anchovies, sardines, herring, mackerel, scallops and most organs (kidneys, brains and liver). Alcohol increases purine production and should only be consumed in moderate amount.
Rob - 14/04/2008

Does soya contain uric acid?

i do not have any disagreement with the response and what i have to add is anecdotal. but i have gout, and though i've eaten tofu in moderation with no symptoms, i've found soy milk to be impossible to drink without serious repurcussions. in my own experience soy milk has been a leading factor in my worst crippling attacks. with the recent harvard study about dairy products lowering gout symptoms, i must say that low fat milk seems the best product for gout sufferers.
arthurorton - 08/06/2008

Try these herbs to flush out uric acid

I'm also a gout sufferer since in my 30's and I'm now into my mid-60's. In the early days of suffering from gout, I resorted to medication (sorry, forgot the Brand & type as I took it 2x only), which upped the pain intensity during the next attack. One day 30+ years ago, while browsing in a bookshop, I came across a book that provided info of herbal cure for gout & other ailments. For gout, it recommended the following herbs to flush out the uric acid: Alfalfa, Sasaparilla, Celery and Cod liver oil. Drink at least 1.5 liter of water. Word of Caution: As with all herbs, it is imperative that you know it's good and bad properties ( i.e Cod liver oil is good, but people with low blood pressure must take it with caution as it thins the blood & causing a person to faint). However, I have changed the herbal combination as the herb 'sasaparilla' is no longer on sale in Malaysia since the 1980's. I'm now taking the following herbs for my gout, which is now starting to make it's presence felt again, probably, due to the increased consumption of soya bean products, i.e tofu & etc, or the medicine I'm taking after undergoing angioplasty last year. It was in hiatus for the past 2 years.

Bought from Pharmacy
1. Devils claw
2. Milk thistle & Dandelion (combination)
3. Celery
4. Cod liver oil
5. Drink at least 1.5 liter of water as this is the medium in the form of urine that enables the herbs to do their magic to flush out the uric acid from the body.

With a high consumption of uric acid causing foods and drinks, I had to resort to the dosage as indicated below:
1. During attack
a) 3 tabs each (item 1, 2, 3 & 4) x 3 times per day (on 1st day of attack)
b) For me, the 3 tabs x 3x per day is sufficient to diminish the pain/swell to a mere 5~15%, but can still take another 1~2x, if still required. Then stop taking any more.
2. Maintenance
a) Depending on a person's ability to accumulate uric acid, 1~2 tab x 1~3x per week for 2 weeks.
Important Note: Do not continue to take the herbs continuously, if the attack
had subsided completely Take them as and when required.

I've been eating food and drinking beverages (beer, wine & etc.) that's known to cause gout attacks until after my angioplasty in October 2009, but yet after avoiding these gout causing food and drinks, I'm again getting gout. Sometime last month, I experienced that 'gouty feeling' on my left knee, but choose to ignore it as it was ever so slight. However, at 3.00am that morning that 'gouty feeling' had reached an intensity of at least 60% of full blown. Can still lift & bend the knee as the pain was still bearable. Took a dose (items 1~4, but only half a glass of water as it was 3.00am). Started drinking extra water the next morning and by about 10~11.00am, the pain/swell had completely subsided. The next attack was about 3 weeks ago, which was on my right knee and that 'gouty feeling' came at about 11.00pm. Immediately, took a dose together with only a glass of water as I didn't want a full bladder before going to bed. Drank extra water the next morning. No more pain/swell felt. The 3rd attack happened last week, which attacked a spot on my palm just below the 1st & 2nd finger of my right hand. Sorted it out with a single dose of the herbal combination together with many cups of water. Pain/swell subsided to 5% left. Drank more water and it completely disappeared by 10~11.00am. Note that the dosages are lower due to the lower consumption of uric acid causing foods & drinks and all I needed for each of these 3 attacks was a single dose of the herbal combination to flush out the uric acid to a level where the pain/swell had completely subsided. Did not need to take any maintenance dosage. Hope this info helps.
tnlrandall - 27/09/2009

No to soya

Now i am not an eater of soy but i respect people's attempt at being healthy in today's especially unhealthy world. However, i have recently received a particularly disturbing e-mail telling me of the effects that soya has on people. Do you kno that consuming as little as 35grams of soya a day has been proven to cause thyroid malfunctioning? Because it emulates hormones it has been known to cause thyroid cancer as well as breast cancer. I was appalled at that information because i know how widely it is used as a health food. Apparently the reason it is marketed as a health food is for money. The companies that market it refuse to announce how dangerous it really is because of how successful it is as a health food product. After i read that e-mail, somehow i wandered onto this website and i decided that i needed to let others, who are innocently using the product in attempts to be healthier, know just what they are getting themselves into. Soya is actually a toxic by-product of the vegetable oil industry. And what frightens me most, is how widely used soya is. In many many preserved foods it is present. In any case, i just posted this message to let others know just how bad it really is. I hope this website will allow it to be posted.
Monkeyman - 23/11/2010


my husband has gout, and we've read that black cherry juice helps get rid of uric acid from the body. we are presently trying products with this component as he is presently suffering from an attack at this time. He is allergic to the usual pain relievers widely used as well, so you could imagine the paina nd suffering he is going through. we are inclluding tofu in his diet as a source of protein, because there is very limited choices of food one can eat when one as gout. we will let you know if the stuff we are trying will work...til next time
myaj - 14/12/2010

Soy milk

I am having quite an attack after drinking a large glass of soy milk for three days in a row. There must be something to this.
jr - 11/03/2011

Soy milk

I've got the same experience with jr. My doctor told me to stop taking soy milk. However, I have no problem consuming tofu and tempeh almost everyday.
arief - 14/03/2011

Soy milk

I am just surprised of the information pertaining to soya product. I am just starting to consume soya product-powder form. I am made to believe that this enahance immunity against diseases- an immune booster, a non-gmo, organic and has isoflavones. I have been operated and has no gallbladder, thus have to take less-fat diet. I am not comfortable of non-fat or low-fat milk anymore. So far I'm feeling fine. vkdg
Guest - 15/03/2011

soya milk and gout

definitely a connection. I haven't suffered for months until I started drinking soya milk.
Guest - 18/03/2011


history notes that the orientals used a fermenting process to gain soya. this fermentation process 'deactivates' toxins within the natural product... the orientals also used soya in small amounts and my reading also finds that soya interferes with the thyroid function and even interferes with DNA leading to cancers developing...
My own use of soya milk produced diarrhoea and nausea weight gain and lethargy suffice to say i went back to good old cows milk and been fine ever since...
finally I would suggest anyone suffering higher levels of uric acid and arthritic pain drink more water, try a period of short fasting if not contra-indicated and cut out sugar products... dont take my word for it google it and see for wishes and good luck
Guest - 08/03/2012

Soy milk and gout

I am 46 old male. I too is suffering from Hi Uric Acid from last 25 years and lactose intolerance. From last 6 years i am suffering from acute joint pains, specially knees. Earlier doctors said that there is no need to take any medication untill uric acid levels cross 8. Then after 3 years, X rays report of knees confirmed osteoarthritis in right knee. My uric acid levels reached upto 8.6 and then doctor put me on the medication. I don't have any typical symptoms of Gout pains like swollen big toe, inflammed joints but I suffer from svere pain in both the ankles, specially during change of season. I am an Indian, Vegetarian, non drinker, non smoker - I am unable to understand what exactly is the problem with me. I have reduced intake of food items from my vegetarian menue which the doctors and dieticians have advised like - All beans, Legumes, Tomatoes, Cheese, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Green leafy vegetables. Now I am left with very little choice of vegetables which are not available round the year. Recently from 5 months all big joints which earlier were not affected have also become painfull like hip joints, elbows, shoulders. I chanced upon this discussion since I was trying to find out whether soyabeans are bad for hi uric acid, since I had read from a book that soya protein doesn't have any bad effect. But the confusion has increased. Can any body clarify?
Anju - 10/09/2013

soya proteine and gout

Do people who suffer from gout have to avoid soya protein ? The should avoid alcohols and red meats but also anything that produces purines like beans and so on , What about soyabeans ?
walter55 - 20/09/2013

soya proteine and gout

Soya belongs to the products with "moderate high levels" of purines. Therefore soya products should be eaten with moderation if you suffer from gout. Purine content of some foods per 100g: liver: 230 mg, soya beans: 120 mg, meat: 60-90 mg, tofu: 29 mg, brocolli: 21 mg, cheese: 5 -13 mg, apple: 6 mg.
Hildergard - 20/09/2013

Is soya the trigger?

Just got back from the ED of the local hospital this morning and was diagnosed for the first time with gout near my big toe on my left foot. Couldn't believe it! I'm relatively fit and healthy, been losing weight steadily for about six months as I'm now 48 I thought I'd work a little harder at looking after myself. Anyway, getting back to the point I came home and got straight on to the computer to find out more about gout, how it's caused, what to do about it etc. and discovered this site and these posts. I'm quite sure I'm lactose intolerant although I've never been to a doctor about it, just always avoided milk, ice cream and yogurts etc. at least for the past 10 years. Recently, however, I have been buying and eating soya yogurts from the supermarket. I've not had many, probably 8 small pots over the past 3-4 weeks. After reading these posts I'm now wondering if they could have triggered my attack? (The most pain I've ever experienced!). I'm going to knock soya on the head now and avoid it to see what happens, but I would like to know if rice or non-lactose milk are as beneficial to gout sufferers as Harvard and others indicate dairy is?
Milmanix - 10/10/2013

Gout triggers

I was just looking to see what the effect of soya is on gout and veryglad to see your info posted. Thanks! Just another thing> My husband has had sever gout for about 13 years. What we did find was that since we cut mushrooms from his diet, he has had no major attacks and has even been able to eat some red meats without suffering afterwards. Any comments on this?
M from Jhb - 10/10/2013


My mate her arthritis and tummy pains have dissapeared since she stopped drinking any cows milks. Soya milks better 4 u. Her hand r also healed now du to stopping cows milk too
SemenOV - 10/10/2013

Effect of Soya to those with uric acid

My laboratory test showed that I have a high uric acid. My doctor recommended that I should avoid eating beans. Monggo and Soya beans are my favorite food. Despite of warnings, I keep on eating soya beans. I did not feel any changes nor any bad effect in my body. Could you please confirm any negative effect of eating soya beans to those who have high uric acid?
Adoniram - 14/10/2013


Soy is extremely difficult to digest and leaves a lot of waste in the colon making digestion of anything else difficult as well. It also interferes specifically with protein digestion. Read the research Clean your system.
Julia - 24/10/2013

Effect of Soya to those with uric acid

Soybeans contain indeed high levels of purines (which break down to uric acid in the body). Soybeans are a concentrated food; they also contain high protein levels. When you express the purine levels as a percentage of total protein, soybeans contain less purines than meat. So there should be nothing wrong when using soy instead of meat. On the other hand, dairy products are low in purines.
Rob - 24/10/2013


i used to with meals soya beans 3 times a week when i minimize my joints my back pains relieved
Guest - 24/10/2013

Soya milk and gout

Following ahysterectomy7years ago, Iwas advised to include soya in my diet. I had never suffered with gout or any other form of arthritis up until then. I tried to eat more healthily, give up the toast for breakfast and have cereal each morning with soya milk. I have suffered agonies over the last 6/7 years with what was diagnosed as gout. My ast and most severe attack left me with what I thought was permament damage in my ankle. So much so I was sent for x rays as the pain and swelling went on for 4 months or more. Over the years I had blamed various foods such as tomatoes, lemonade etc. Then due to various circumstances in December, I was unable to shop as normal, relying on local shops who did not stock soya milk.
Within 3 weeks there was considerable improvement. The swelling had gone down and the pain was easing. Now I am completely pain free and can wear normal shoes for the first time in years. I would never have associated the soya milk as a trigger, but after looking up soya milk/gout on the computer discovered your website and realised I was not alone.
I feel as though I've got a part ofmy life back I thought was gone forever. Roz Eaton
roslynne - 12/11/2013

Update to last post

It's just over a month now and I thought I'd post an update. My gout was gone after about 4 days, the diclophenic (Pain killers) helped alot before it went of its own accord. I haven't had any more soya products and found that the lactose free milk works fine with me. I can have this without any of the side effects I experienced with regular milk. I've tried to take in dairy at least twice a week. I can't say if it is actually beneficial to my gout situation but psychologically it helps and it's nice to be able to have custard (Lactose free!) again on my mince pies! I know gout can sometimes disappear and then show up again years later, this might be the case with me too. I'll have to wait and see. But the only thing I've changed in my eating habits over the past month is the soya, I've even eaten mackerel, sardines and salmon (I love fish!), all of which are supposed to be off the menu for gout sufferers because they increase uric acid - I've had no problems, so make your own conclusions...
Milmanix - 12/11/2013

Soya mil causes gout

I never had a gout attack until 8/28/11 after I drink qt. of soy milk for the frist time
Guest - 20/11/2013

Soy milk and gout

It is safe to drink, even you have the history of GOUT Arthritis?
leo c. areola - 26/11/2013

Soy milk and gout

There is indeed a widely-held belief that consumption of soy milk increases the risk of gout or induces gout attacks. But a recent review study conducted at the Loma Linda University concluded that "although there is a need for long-term research, on the basis of the existing data there is no reason for individuals with gout or at risk of developing gout to avoid soyfoods." They took data from six epidemiologic studies and found no evidence that consumption of soyfoods is associated with uric acid levels, hyperuricemia or gout. Reference: Messina et al. Soyfoods, hyperuricemia and gout: a review of the epidemiologic and clinical data. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2011;20(3):347-58.
Rob - 26/11/2013


Started drinking Soya milk 4 weeks ago and have had a Severe gout attack. I am 100% convinced it has been the trigger.
Milton - 04/11/2014

suffering from gout

im a 23 and suffering from gout, i had first gout attack last 3 years ago, i really loved drinking soya milk, i love eating eggplant and mongo beansi really would love to this Alot. i really dont like meat,but i occasionally eat burger wayback when i am not aware of me having a high uric acid. i am on low purine diet now. i would like to use tofu as my substitute for meat, could tofu trigger a flare/gout?
pkp - 10/03/2015

Soy Milk and gout

I have also found that I was flair up free for months until I started having cereal with soy milk. I didn't realize soy could be the problem . I actully thought it was good for me until reading about many others who experienced the same thing.
daveosac - 21/03/2015

role for critical thinking

I suspect walking could be expected to result in people being run over by cars, but do we dispel its benefits. Look at the context. There is a lot of bad science around, and use your critical judgement. The Japanese tend to have a high soy diet and low cancer. Maybe the low fat offsets the bad aspects of low fat. I'm not a professional in this field...I am just suggesting good thinking habits. There is a lot of bad science around.
Guest - 21/03/2015

Soya and gout

I had not had gout problems for about 4 to 5 years. I decided about 6 to 8 months ago to have more cerial for breakfast, which I used more milk. I used nonfat cow's milk but soon found out it was giving me heartburn so I changed to soy milk and the heartburn stopped. Two months ago my left hand and wrist be came extremely sore. I went to the ER where it was diagnosed as gouty arthritis.This past week end it hit my right hand and wrist with the same diagnoses. Ispent most of the weekend on the computer looking at gout and going over my eating habits. I had come to the conclusion it had to be bean related. After discovering this wegsite I am sure it is the soy milk. Thanks to all of you for responding. Responses from people who live with the problems are just as valuable as research maybe more ,we have no axe to grind.
Guest - 08/07/2015

soy/gout/food combos

I just want people to think about the over all picture- the food combining they might be doing, introducing foods not eaten in a while, environmental factors, dehydration, and what other factors may be involved. We may be setting ourselves up for gouty attacks and one food or habit puts us over the threshold. I myself, without realizing, set myself up for a gout attack. I had a change in my diet: ran out of dried cherries for my daily snack;( good for balancing purines); fell off the taking-vitamins-wagon: hence probably less folic acid, (which is good to take if you have gout tendencies); doing some house renovation: got a bit of lead exposure; (Increased lead levels, can cause uric acid issues, ) holidays: more red wine; (dehydrated possibly). The only thing that hasn't changed is soy milk in my coffee- which might have been one of the many reasons that set me up for this gout attack in the first place. What put me over the edge was a food I had not had in a long time-- scallops. My body wasn't used to it and reacted. thank you for everyone's feedback!
gogiana - 14/07/2015

kalonji in morning reduces uric acid level

I stopped all high uric acid diets for 2 months but my uric acid remained same. Then i started taking kalonji black seed in morning before breakfast that reduced my uric acid level in 20-25 days from 456 mg to 406 mg. Now i am continuing this, it may reduce more inshaAllah. In parallel i am taking low purine diet, trying to bring my weight to bmi level, having more water before food and no water after food. Walk after dinner.
Qaiser - 27/09/2015

Can Soy Extract cause uric acid too?

My mum currently consumed a tablet called Nuvafemme where one of the main ingredient is soy extract (Glycone Max) which is 100mg per tablet. My mum took 2-4 tablets per day previously but has now reduced to only 2 tablets per day. She felt pain in some parts of her joints and has consume the medicine to cure the joint for at least 1-2month but nothing seems to be better. I need some advice as to whether she should stop consuming the Nuvafemme medicine which contain soy extract. Please note that that medicine is good to balance her hormone and help her in her sleep. She can't without taking that medicine. Sleeping pills did not work either. I need help. Thanks if you can give me some advice
Eve Koay - 07/11/2015

For me, soy causes gout attack.

When soy was first heralded as a good thing, I added soy milk to my diet. Had several acute gout attacks before I pinned the cause to soy. Now I avoid soy. But you have to read labels. Soy in form of texturized vegetable protein is added to many food products. Small amounts may not cause a full gout flare but can definitely feel achy in joints.
PN McKenzie - 20/12/2015


This is an eye opener... I am having an attack right now and after reading these posts I'm about 90% sure it's the addition of Soy Milk to my diet. I've been trying to eat the right things and exercise a lot more but it looks like I will be taking Soy Milk off the "good" list. I had an attack about 2 years ago. That was my first experience... thought I was gonna die, haha... Wow, excruciating pain in my ankle. Couldn't work for a few days. It went away and I haven't had an attack since.. But in the last month or 2 I've had repeated attacks and finally I think I have the answer - Soy Milk! Thanks for the informative posts.
Glennsmooth - 17/12/2016

Soy milk

I currently have an attack of gout and couldn't figure out why. My last attack was one year ago. I don't eat rich foods, or shell fish, and hardly drink beer. But I have been using soy milk in my cereal on a regular basis since last year. After reading these posts, my hunch that soy milk might be causing my gout has been confirmed. I will stop using soy milk and see what happens. Thank you to all of you!
James - 17/12/2016


everyone those who suffering from gout like myself, get on medication and go vegan clean whole plant based foods no processed junk stuff stick to clean whole plant based foods. ever since i went vegan i have no attack
jake - 24/01/2017

Doctor says

There is a medication that can help every gout sufferer to live an almost normal life free from pain and suffering. First and foremost, I will not try to sell any medicine or concoction because I believe that science has the answer to this problem. I'm a physician, with a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, and yet I suffered from hyperuricemia and gouty arthritis.. The medication to prevent gout attacks is Colchicine. Here in the Philippines where I live, it is a very affordable one. Please ask your rheumatologist about this medication. It only cost 3 pesos (0.08 U.S dollar).
Dr Roel - 15/03/2017

Is soya milk good for arthritis?

Let me tell you, that soya is good for all types of ailments and most of all the heart.This is low cholestorol and has great benefits too. Now people are switching to soya milk, tofu, soya oil and soya chunks and granules as food too. Soya does help in pain management too but I really dont see how effective it can be till you take medications . However, just for information sake, since Im an arthritic patient, I have been taking celebrex and this has controlled my pain immensely without any side effects whatsoever.
Lilly - 30/04/2017

Is soya milk good for arthritis?

I am a arthritis patient and i m drinking soya milk which drastically reduce my arthritis pain and i personally suggest that it is good for arthritis patient to drink at least 250ml Soya Milk.
Abbas - 30/04/2017

Joint problems

Unfortunatly phytoestrogens, which mimic oestrogen and also are known to destroy the immune system of baby mice. True it has been used for 1000s of years but the ancient knowledge has been lost until recently. It was used as a crop to replenish the soil(it fixes nitrogen) it was never meant to be eaten! When it was discovered that you could ferment it the chinese forgot that it should not be consumed. Feeding a baby on formula with soya in it can be the equivalent of giving your baby 5 birth control pills every day. I am sorry for the soya fans but the health benefits are heavily outweighed by the dangers!
Prof - 04/01/2018

Joint problems

oy does not contain chemicals from birth control pills. Administration of pure isoflavones to animals causes decreased fertility, but clinically relevant adverse effects of soy infant formula in infants are not reported (1). The Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center is conducting a prospective longitudinal study comparing growth, development, and health of breastfed children with formula-fed children from birth through age 6 y. After 5 y of study, children in all 3 groups are growing and developing within normal limits, and there are no indications of adverse effects in the soy-fed children (2).

(1) Soy infant formula: is it that bad? Acta Paediatr. 2011 Feb;100(2):162-6.
(2) The health implications of soy infant formula. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 May;89(5):1668S-1672S.
Rob - 05/01/2018

Joint problems

go with Almond milk -- definitely the best alternative to regular milk and soy milk -- plus it's less fattening.
lactose free - 16/04/2018

Joint problems

I also Have found that using Soya Milk will bring on a gout attack. I have found that either oat milk or rice milk to be a good alternative.
TG - 16/04/2018

A Few Tips

I have had several gout attacks since 2010, so I know that pain. Doctor handed me a life sentence of medications and blood tests. None of those I would like to endure so I went on hunting for cause and found out about uric acid, purines level of food and ended up ditching the doctor's plan while changing my diet to one almost purine free. It is harsh because many types of food have low purine levels yet I'm very suspicious about them (e.g. soy milk, nuts, peas, beans) and then there are those I simply did not know about until attacks were triggered (e.g. broccoli, Chinese preserved vegetables). The hardest part is that many of the food I have to avoid are the ones I love the most.
Here is Tip #1: The way to prevent an attack in cold weather is to keep the joints warm - above 10°C (50°F). Below that temperature the uric acid crystals form and thus causing gout attacks.
Tip #2: Drink plenty of water so the uric acid is constantly diluted. A cup of water with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar would help as a buffer solution to keep pH value higher than the crystal formation acidity. Both of these tips continue to work even when an attack has already began.
Tip #3: During an attack, do not use hot water to alleviate the problem area. High temperature could cause the muscle to swell more thus increasing the severity of the attack. Instead, wrap the joint under plastic bag or cling wrap and insulate it with warm clothing until you are warm enough to sweat.

These tips are not offered as medical procedures or medicinal cures. I am only sharing experiences which I believe are sensible to remedy my problem with this condition, so please understand there may be different conditions and circumstances affecting my results that I am not aware of.

Joe - 15/10/2018

alcohol and soy

Thank you all for chiming in on these topics. I have been suffering for about 9 or 10 years with regular bad gout attacks filled in with constant mild weakness pain and stiffness in my ankles knees and well,all over really. Yes my rheumatologist gave me the life sentence also of pain, meds, flareups,joint damage etc. I have drank way too much alcohol for way too long. I am forcing myself to try a healthier approach now. As some of you know, this whole gout thing can get really depressing. It seems every bit of dietary info contradicts the last. So frustrating. I was going to try Soy products but now I will use caution. Allopurinol was working ok for me for a few years. No fun and expensive. I have a few friends who quit drinking and their gout cleared up completely. I guess thats where I'm al. Thank you all.
Dean - 24/04/2021

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