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Soy Protein Concentrate

Soy protein concentrate is made by removing a portion of the carbohydrates (sugars) from dehulled and defatted soybeans. Normally, about 750 kilograms of soybean protein concentrate can be obtained from one metric ton of defatted soybean flakes. There are different soy protein production methods. The most frequent method used is alcohol extraction although this method results in most loss of the soy isoflavones. However, when the water extraction method is used to remove the sugars, there is a good retention of the isoflavones in the final product. Soy protein concentrate retains most of the fiber of the original soybean. Soy protein concentrate is very digestible and therefore suited for children, pregnant and lactating women and elderly. It is in pet foods and milk replacers for calves and pigs.

Use of soy protein concentrate

Soy protein concentrate is widely used as functional or nutritional ingredient in a wide variety of food products, mainly in baked foods, breakfast cereals and in some meat products. Soy protein concentrate is used in meat and poultry products to increase water and fat retention, and to improve nutritional values (more protein, less fat). It is even used for some non-food applications.

Quality requirements

Soy protein concentrate should contain at least 70% protein on a moisture free basis. The protein can have different solubility characteristics, depending on the extraction method. Some applications, such as drinks, require a highly soluble protein. The soy protein concentrate made with the alcohol wash will have low solubility which can be increased by further processing, for example by neutralization of acid washed concentrate with alkali. Soy protein concentrate can be found in different forms: granules, flour and spray dried. Most of the characteristic beany flavour is usually removed by the extraction process, resulting in bland tasting end products. The flatus-producing sugars raffinose and stachyose can also be removed by the solvents used in the production of soy protein concentrates.


soya concentrate vs soya isolate

On this site the advice is to add soya protein to soya yoghurt if you want to make it thicker.

Is it better to use soya concentrate or soya isolate? The isolate is nearly pure soya protein but has had more chemical processing. The concentrate is a bit less messed about. Does it work satisfactorily in thickening soya yoghurt?
egremont - 07/11/2013

soya concentrate vs soya isolate

You can use both for making soya yoghurt thicker. But you need 25 % more soy protein concentrate than soy protein isolate to get the same result.
Rob - 07/11/2013

which limit for pesticides and other contaminants are valid for soya isolated protein? according which legislations? Is 2MCPD relevat?
marketa - 17/03/2017

soy concentrate

I want to Start-up a soy protein concentrate line but we have not suitable information about this activity for example soy protein concentrate Production methods, economic efficiency, information about various types of production devices and etc. I read Your good activity about Enzymatic treatment of soy products. Can you help me for the information?
Alireza Neissi - 12/02/2018

Method of soy protein concentrate production

Iam a processor of soya cake using extruder expeller method,am in need of soy protein concentrate. Please how can i get detail of method of production and material required.
Vincent Okojie - 16/03/2018

Soy protein concentrate and isolated

I make too much test on soy protein and I get concentrated protein but I can't dry it good , I want to know how can I spray it for good quality , I search about technology
Sameh Ramzy - 29/09/2018

Soybeans concentrate

Is there soybeans concentrate for fish feeds ?
Katongole fredrick - 16/11/2018

soya protein

I need to get soya protein product how can I purchase it
houssam ahmed - 06/03/2019

Soy milk

I am looking to manufacture and pack Soy Milk for beverage production with and without flavours. Can this be made from Soy Protein Concentrate or Soy Protein Isolate? I would appreciate your advice on this project.Thanks
MEFCO INTERNATIONAL (Middle East Food Consultants)
ALAN MARSHALL - 05/09/2021

Izolat białka sojowego

Dzień dobry szukam izolatu białka sojowego o Mesh 20 - 30 czy znacie może producenta ? Pozdrawiam Janusz Kuchnia
Janusz - 02/03/2022

Soy protein isolated

I want advisor for soy protein isolated production. We have production line.
Please contact me at
Mohamad rezaei - 06/04/2022

Make soy protein concentrate using Lime juice or baking soda

I want to make soy protein concentrate using Lime juice or baking soda to solubilize at what ratio do I use, at what pH should the solvent be and to which grams of soybeans flour is to be added.
Aina Elizabeth mayokun - 11/05/2023

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