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Nutritional values of soymilk

Soymilk is an excellent source of high quality protein and B-vitamins. Soymilk is not a rich source of calcium, this is way most commercial soymilk products are fortified with calcium.

Soymilk naturally contains isoflavones, plant chemicals that help lower LDL ("bad" cholesterol) if taken as part of a "heart healthy" eating plan.

Nutrional values of soymilk (per 100g):

Fat (total lipid)
Fatty acids, saturated
Fatty acids, mono-unsaturated
Fatty acids, poly-unsaturated
Calcium, Ca
Iron, Fe
Magnesium, Mg
Phosphorus, Mg
Potassium, K
Sodium, Na
Zinc, Zn
Copper, Cu
Manganese, Mn
Selenium, Se
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Thiamin (vitamin B1)
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
Niacin (vitamin B3)
Panthotenic acid (vitamin B5)
Vitamin B6
Folic acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin A
Vitamin E

[Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference]


soya butter

Is it possible to separate soya fat to make soya cream/butter by centrifugal separator?
Arunav - 19/04/2015

Add sugar with soy milk

If i add sugar with soy milk is good or not?
Goms - 25/01/2016

soy milk for children instead of cows milk?

I would like to know from parents who may use soy milk instead of cows milk for their little people. differences in the two for side affects and/or benefits
Wog - 19/02/2016

soy milk for children instead of cows milk?

No No No!!! Soy should not be used as food.

Strike one. Phyto-estrogens in soy are used in the pill Estroven to ward off symptoms of menopause. Why in the world would you feed it to a developing child or infant?! Why would you feed it to a boy or a man. They do not need to have estrogen in their bodies.

Strike two. Soy naturally contains toxins that are bad for human health. Asians know this and eat soy after it has been extensively fermented to remove most of these toxins. This fermentation process is used to produce a product known as tempeh. The main use for soy in an Asian diet is as a condiment, not as a food staple. I have several Asian friends who have emigrated here. They cannot believe the amount of raw soy that "health concious" Americans eat.

Strike three. Soy contains high levels of manganese and aluminum. Both of these metals are implicated in neurological side effects which include Alzheimer's and Creutzfeld Jacob Disease. High manganese ingestion (through chicken feces added to cattle feed) is believed to be one of the factors responsible for the Mad Cow poisoning that hit British herds. The manganese replaces a copper atom in a protein called a prion. This alters the prion's shape and causes it to destroy brain and nerve tissue. It also becomes a catalyst to alter other prions if manganese is available. Manganese causes Manganism in welders (a form of CJD). Manganese is in welding rods and gets vaporized during the welding process and inhaled by the welders, if they are not careful. Chronic wasting disease occurs in Elk if they are grazing on grass or foliage that happens to be growing in soil high in manganese. Adding manganese to your diet through soy is a bad bad thing.
Michael Polidori - 20/02/2016

soy milk for children instead of cows milk?

You focus too much on individual components of soy and try to find their adverse affects. You could do the same with any food and come to the conclusion that there is no food left to eat. You should look at studies investigating the effect of soy consumption on populations.

Because isoflavones are used in a supplement they are bad? The supplement you mention also contains black cohosh, calcium, vitamins E, B-12, B-6 and folic acid, a natural blend of traditional herbs? Are all these ingredients bad? Others also try to link male soy consumption with breast development. Pure speculation! Where is the evidence?

Even anti-soy advocates know that some population groups eat large quantities of fermented soy product, without any adverse effect. So they have to admit that these fermented soy products are safe and explain this by the fact because the fermentation removes most of the toxins! Most of the "toxins" are removed by cooking, which means that non-fermented soy products such as soy milk and tofu are a good food. Isoflavones, phytic acid and saponins are considered healthy phytochemicals. They have anti-oxidant action and have anti-cancer activities. Phytic acid has always been considered as an antinutritional factor, but recently all scientific research on phytic acid focus on its health benefits. And it has many. Same applies to saponins. Fermentation of tempeh halves the level of phytic acid, which means that?s till 50% of the phytic acid is present. How can a fermented soy product, still contains 50% of this "toxin", all of a sudden become healthy?

Aluminum has no biological function in our body. It is easily absorbed and easily eliminated. Person with a kidney disease could accumulate aluminum in their bodies and should avoid excessive aluminum intake, but aluminum is not the cause of kidney disease. If the aluminum content of soybeans were an issue, farmers could easily cultivate soybeans with lower aluminum content. Manganese is an essential mineral needed for maintaining health. It is even added to multivitamin pils. Soy contains indeed high levels of manganese, but soy is also a nutrient-dense food. If you calculate the manganese content as a percentage of protein content you will find that soybeans contain only 20% more manganese than split peas and even 50% less than carrots.
Guest - 20/02/2016

soy milk for children instead of cows milk?

This is not an expert opinion, however I would not recommend giving your children soy milk. This is why: There are four children in my family. I was the only one that was fed soy milk. None of my three siblings have ever tried it. Now I am 23 and suffer from a severe soy allergy. None of my siblings do. There is no way to tell if drinking soy milk at a young age caused the allergy, however it is one possible explanation, or at least part of the explanation. I would ask your doctor for specific information.
hols285 - 14/04/2016

soy milk for children instead of cows milk?

I consume a soy protein shake daily. I have been using it daily for 3 1/2 years as well as my three sons and husband. We also get our blood anylyzed regularly. Our levels are always perfect. The company that I purchase it from has been selling it since 1961 with many faithful consumers. A few years ago, in a study conducted at Berkley, they compared 200 of this companies consumers to others who have not consumed these products. (The consumers from this company had to have been using products for 20 years or more to be included in the study). The end result was that the consumers from this company had better health results in category tested. Now this was not a direct testing of the soy protein as the consumers used many of the products but if the soy protein was harmful these consumers should have at least some problems after 20 years.
vancat11 - 14/04/2016

soy milk for children instead of cows milk?

Each child received either cow's milk or soy milk for two weeks, had a rest week, then for the next two weeks had the other milk that they didn't get the first time. When the results were analyzed, it was discovered that while they were on soy milk, 68% of the children were no longer constipated. In contrast, their conditions remained the same when they were on cow's milk.
brylle28 - 16/04/2017

which preservative is best for soya milk and how much the quantity?

I am going to setup a factory for packaged soya milk in plastic bottle but not able to get the name of the preservative, so please suggest me the name of the preservative which i can use along with the quantity?
Zeeshan - 14/03/2018


I make soymilk using the Soyajoy G4 made from Organic Laura Beans. As a male, I consume soymilk regularly with no side effects. China consumes 40% of the world’s soybeans along with other Southeast Asian countries, such as Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Okinawa, etc.
I have spent much of my adult life in this part of the world. This means I ate, slept and took showers with those who live there. I never once witnessed the male population wearing a bra, displaying enlarged breasts or other side effects due to soy consumption. Moreover, consuming soy goes beyond just a few condiments. In underdeveloped countries like those of Africa, soy plays a big part in curbing protein deficiencies.
There is a lot of false information swirling around on social media regarding soymilk consumption. Notice that with the various studies, there is no mention of the type of soy consumed during the study (i.e. hydrolyzed vs. fermented).
Finally, the over consumption of sugar is far more detrimental to our health than probably any other single ingredient in our food, just my opinion.
James M. - 01/01/2019

effect of soybeans

I discover that frying of soya beans before consuming can affect health.
Muhammad - 19/08/2021

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