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Calcium Fortification of Soy milk

Dairy products provide most of the dietary calcium in Western countries, where soy milk is becoming increasingly popular. Natural soy milk contains only 200 mg calcium per liter, which is 6x less than cow milk. Therefore, most commercial soy milks are fortified with extra calcium up to a level 1200 mg/L, which is the same as that of cow milk. Manufacturers of soy milk use this specific level of 1200 mg/L to provide an alternative calcium source to cow milk. However, the question is do we really need such high calcium levels in soy milk? Obviously, manufacturers want to avoid the debate about optimal calcium levels and simple use same levels as found in cow milk, which is traditionally a recommended source of calcium. However, studies have shown that a higher intake of milk and calcium from milk is associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis. The Harvard's Nurses' Health Study, which involved about 57,000 women, showed that women who consumed the most calcium from dairy products had almost double the rate of hip fractures compared to women who received the least calcium from dairy products.

Sources of Calcium in Soy Milk

Most manufacturers use tri-calcium phosphate as calcium source. Other calcium sources are calcium carbonate and vegetable calcium from seaweed (Lithothamnium Calcareum). In addition, the calcium in the water, used in the soy milk manufacturing process, can be significant. The calcium level of municipal water or well water can range from 0 mg/L up to 600 mg/L.

Bioavailability of Calcium in Soy Milk

A study by Robert Heaney and colleagues entitled "Bioavailability of the Calcium in Fortified Soy Imitation Milk, with some Observations on Method" (2000, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition) found that calcium from soy milk, fortified with tri-calcium phosphate, has an absorption efficiency of 75% compared to cow milk. Another study by Yangdong Zhao entitled "Calcium Bioavailability of Calcium Carbonate Fortified Soy Milk is Equivalent to Cow's Milk in Young Women" (2005, The Journal of Nutrition) found that calcium carbonate in soy milk had the same bioavailability than calcium from cow milk and had a higher bioavailability than tri-calcium carbonate. The lower bioavailability of tri-calcium phosphate is probably coming from the phosphate, which precipitates the calcium in the intestine. Soy milk contains phytochemicals, such as isoflavones and phytic acid, which may influence calcium absorption. Some studies have shown that isoflavones stimulate estrogen receptors in the intestine and increase calcium absorption, whereas other studies failed to show such effect. Phytic acid is known to inhibit calcium absorption but the low levels (less than 0.01%) found in soy milk are unlikely to have any influence.


Phosphoric acid in soft drinks

The United States National Academy of Sciences has increased the daily recommened intake of calcium from 800 mg to 1200 mg. Why? In the Western world a lot of coke (Coca Cola, Pepsi, ...) is drunk. This drink contains a lot of phosphoric acid, which is added to give coke that typical acid taste. But phosphoric acid binds with the calcium and makes it very difficult to assimilate. So why should one try to compensate the bad effects of one food with the increase of consumption of other unhealthy (dairy) products?
Guest - 14/02/2013

Phosphoric acid in soft drinks

Urban legends have got the best of the worst and now the rest of us suffer. Do the math people. Stomach acid is way more "dangerous" than any cola on the market. Most lemons and oranges equal the acidity of a cola. Phosphorus is in every cell in the human body and we need it. Maybe not from a questionable source, but still, get a clue.
Me - 18/02/2013

phosphoric acid OD

Try drinking several colored soda's a day for a week, and monitor yourself for muscle twitching (i.e. eyelid, bicept, etc..). a few years ago, a researcher overheard me talking about eye and muscle twitches (which I had for 20 years as a hard core soda drinker), and suggested I cut out colored soda's due to my body reacting to the Phos accumulation.. haven't twitched since..
new science - 08/06/2013

soya milk content

Is there calcium in soya milk? obviously naturally there isnt but do the production companies add it like they do white flour???
craigy boy - 28/04/2014

Soy milk contains naturally not much calcium (about 40 mg/l). This calcium content will also be influenced by the type of water you use to make soy milk. Hard water can increase calcium content to 120 mg/l.

Most commercial soy milk contains added calcium (normally in the form of calcium phosphate) to obtain same calcium level as in cow's milk, which is 1200 mg/l.
Rob - 28/04/2014

Efficiency of calcium in soya products

How does the quality of soya calcium compares with dairy calcium? Is it as easily absorbed?

Bruno R - 06/05/2014

Efficiency of calcium in soya products

The fractional absorption rate of calcium from a cup of milk is 32%, compared to 31% for tofu, and 31-42% for whole soybeans.

Moreover, rat studies have shown that there is no difference in the absorption of calcium among tofu, cheese, calcium carbonate, and nonfat dry milk. Despite the presence of phytate and oxylate, the calcium present is available and readily digested.
Rob - 06/05/2014

Soy milk - calcium

How does soy milk get its natural calcium? Does calcium get lost in the process of making the soy milk?
Jissa - 29/07/2015

Cola is bad for your bones

Cola consumptions seems to be more dangerous for women than men. The study Colas, but not other carbonated beverages, are associated with low bone mineral density in older women: The Framingham Osteoporosis Study (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 84, No. 4, 936-942, October 2006) concluded that the intake of cola, but not of other carbonated soft drinks, is associated with low bone mineral density in women. The study involved 1413 women and 1125 men. Dietary intake was assessed by food-frequency questionnaire. Total phosphorus intake was not significantly higher in daily cola consumers than in non-consumers; however, the calcium-to-phosphorus ratios were lower.
John - 17/09/2017

Adding calcium to soya milk

Thank you for your advice about adding calcium to home made soya milk. I can not get hold of the powdered form in UK for home use (Except for small supplement tablets). Does anyone know where I can order it from even if it means importing. Many thanks for you help in advance.
RMPBeddard - 12/10/2019

Tricalcium phosphate in soya milk

Most of the additive is derived from animal bones. How can it be sold as suitable for vegans
John Shuttleworth - 21/09/2020

Startup with production specialized in soymilk

Hello RMPBeddard, I can supply calcuim fortified (powdered) soymilk to any location in the world. I am a startup with production specialized in soymilk.
You can contact me through my email;
FLORENCE .A. - 13/07/2021

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