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Soy Oil Allergy

The prevalence of soy protein allergy is estimated to be 0.5% in the general population and 3-6% in children. Refined soybean oil is not normally considered an allergen because it contains low levels of soy protein, typically 0.15 mg per kg. It is estimated that the average consumption of soybean oil results in an intake of only 0.01 mg of soy protein. Most of the soy proteins in soybean oil are trypsin inhibitors and not the typical soy allergens.

EFSA opinion on soya oil allergy

On November 27th, the European Union amended its Food Labelling Directive to allow the use of refined soybean oil in foods without having to declare the presence of soy allergens. This amendment was based on a study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA): Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from FEDIOL and IMACE on fully refined soybean oil and fat pursuant to Article 6(11) of Directive 2000/13/EC for permanent exemption from labelling.

In the first study, the 30 individuals with peanut allergy, who are at increased risk of cross-reactivity with soy protein, consumed increasing amounts of soybean oil or rapeseed oil (=control) up to a dose that represented the highest intake for a single meal. Most participants had no symptoms. Only four participants showed mild reactions to soybean oil, while six showed mild symptoms to rapeseed oil. The same design was used in the second study of 32 participants with known soy allergy. Five participants had mild reactions to the soybean oil and eight to the canola oil.


Allergic Reaction of Soyabean Oil To me

I have this strange allergy from past 5 years. When i smell it while it is getting heated, I cannot control my nerves. I feel choked and fall sick within 15 minutes. Once, I had to be admitted into hospital that cost me 10000 bucks! And the next time i had high fever that lasted 3 days including 1 occurrence of falling unconscious...
Can you please tell me why is this happening
swati singh - 16/03/2015

allergy of soyabean oil

can be happen that after take meal, prepared from soyabean oil i have checked but not found addultration. plz suggest what happened
dileep kurvey - 27/03/2016

Reaction of interesterified and hydrogenated soybean oil

Husband has severe anaphylactic allergy to soybean protein. He ate two Pepperidge Farm pumpkin cheesecake cookies as they did not list soy allergen. He had a bad reaction. Had never encountered interesterified soybean oil before so will be watching for it, back to reading all labels of every. single. item we purchase because not all product properly list allergens, deadly allergens to some.
JJank - 15/09/2017

Lame study

This lame study only involves 32 people with a known soy allergy and 5 show a mild reaction, that’s 15%. There is 7.44 billion people on earth so approx 1 billion have a mild reaction. Even if just 1% of that billion had a severe reaction thats 100 million. No small number and I am one of them.
Jlynne - 11/04/2018

soybean oil allergy

had soybean oil as a part of propofol injected into me. got 4 day migraine, projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea.. but doc said it couldn't be that, yet told staff allergy to soy..
MSCOTT - 04/02/2019

I wish people understood that just because some had a mild reaction does not mean that it will always be a mild reaction in everyone every time.i do not eat or drink anything with soy. I am so allergic that I do not buy favorite foods if they are listed as being made on shared equipment as soy. I had an anphilactic reaction from cross contamination at a restaurant because someone reused a serving spoon between dishes.
Allergic2soy - 05/05/2019


Please, please, please list soy on
labels, even if you think highly
refined soybean oil isn't a problem, it is for me.
Would you suggest the same with peanut oil? Scary.
Diana Diez - 26/05/2020

Soybean oil

I get a violent belching and vomiting reaction. It’s no joke and very real!!
Teresa Leitch - 15/04/2021

Me and allergies

Im allergic to peanuts, and soy flour, soy protein, oil does not seem to bother me as far as i can tell. I had blood work done to see my allergies and they said not allergic to then why if i have something with soy flour my mouth starts to swell & itch. I can no longer eat raw celery only cooked, which is part of peanut family as black licorce and anise is also, something in curry also. I wish people were even more aware & careful than they are now...people please understand this like playing russian roulette.
Susan - 12/08/2021

Soybean oil reaction

If you’re having a reaction to soybean oil, you’re not alone! I react to soy lecithin and soybean oil. I have trouble breathing, massive sinus pressure and pain, migraine, abdominal pain, and loads of other mild to severe symptoms. Even small amounts of soy and soybean oil in food products do this.
Brady - 21/03/2022

Intolerance to soybean oil

Separate from soy allergy is an intolerance to soybean oil due to an inability to properly digest it. It produces extreme amounts of bloat, vomiting, explosive diarrhea, hot flashes due to the phytoestrogens that also aren't digested, and other symptoms such as headaches and lethargy in some. This is completely different than a soy allergy, but the topic is being suppressed on Internet searches so people that have it won't figure it out and stop buying it. Instead, people who are intolerant of soybean oil get useless information about soy allergies, including statements that the oil doesn't normally hurt people who are allergic which steers them away from figuring out and solving their problem. If you're having digestive distress with hot flashes, try eliminating soybean oil, not soy allergen, and see what happens.
Josh - 05/03/2023

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