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Tempeh Starter

As with other fermented products such as yogurt, miso, natto, or kambucha, a starter is needed to begin the fermentation process. Without a good starter, other microorganisms will spoil the product, making it inedible or even toxic.

In Indonesia, tempeh starter was traditionally made by wrapping cooked soybeans in hibiscus leaves, which naturally contain the desired Rhizopus molds, and letting it ferment in a warm place for a few days. This method resulted in tempeh containing a variety of fungal strains such as R. achlamydosporus, R. formosaensis, R. arrhizus, R. oryzae, R. delemar, R. microsporus, and R. stolonifer. Unfortunately, Indonesian tempeh producers don't use this method anymore. Instead, they use a commercial tempeh starter that contains only one strain, R. microsporus (=oligosporus).

It is also possible to make tempeh from a piece of very fresh living tempeh by chopping it up and adding it to the cooked and cooled soybeans. However, this method is not very reliable and in practice often results in a bad batch. As a result, most tempeh manufacturers, even large factories, use commercial tempeh starter, which is guaranteed to be strong and free of unwanted bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella or Listeria.

Where can I buy tempeh starter?

A good source for tempeh starter is TopCultures or If you are looking for a soy-free tempeh starter, you can use this oncom starter. Although it is sold as an oncom starter, it can also be used as a tempeh starter. It seems to work very well with high starch beans such as lentils and peas. I would not buy tempeh starter from Amazon, Ebay, or Etsy because these companies do not verify that the seller is an authorized food company. You will find products that do not meet current safety standards.

Make your own tempeh starter

If you want to make your own tempeh starter, you can follow the procedure used by the University of Illinois.

1. Preparing the substrate

Place 1/4 cup long grain white rice in a pint mason jar and add 20 ml water. Shake the jar to mix the rice and water. Cover the jar with a wadding lid made by placing layers of wadding between two layers of cheesecloth. Secure the lid with a rubber band or by replacing the metal ring. Allow to stand for several hours, swirling occasionally.

2. Sterilization

Use an autoclave or pressure cooker at 15 psi and 121°C for 15 minutes. While still hot, shake jar vigorously to break up rice clumps and allow to cool to room temperature.

3. Inoculation

Prepare a spore suspension by aseptically adding a few ml of sterile water to an agar slab of Rhizopus oligosporus or Rhizopus oryzae. Aseptically add the spore suspension to the rice and mix well.

4. Incubation

Incubate the jar on its side at 30°C (86°F) for 45 days, at which time the rice will be covered with mycelia and black spores.

5. Harvesting the spores

Transfer the contents of the jar to a sterile blender and blend to a fine powder. This tempeh starter can be frozen to maintain viability.

Contaminated Tempeh Starter

Good tempeh starter is expensive, but some suppliers don't take hygiene seriously and sell product that is not pure and may even be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria. Contaminated tempeh starter was recalled in April 2012 after an outbreak of a rare type of salmonella sickened more than 90 people, mostly in North Carolina. The infections were spread by eating the fresh tempeh, touching surfaces contaminated by the product, and person-to-person contact. The FDA traced the contamination to Tempeh Online, a Rockville, Maryland-based tempeh starter distributor that imported its product directly from Indonesia. At the time, Tempeh Online operated several websites. Before purchasing tempeh starter, make sure you know the location and reputation of the original manufacturer.


Contaminated tempeh starter

Contaminated tempeh starter sold by From FDA website: of Rockville, MD, is recalling all packages of Tempeh Starter Yeast because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms), endocarditis and arthritis. The recalled Tempeh Starter Yeast and Super Starter Yeast were distributed nationwide and internationally through direct mail orders. The product was also distributed to the following areas: Australia, Canada, Slovenia, New Zealand, Brunei, Darussalam, Poland and Croatia. The product comes in sealed, clear plastic packages marked with a small computer printed label. The following sizes were sold: 30gm, 50gm, 250 gm, and 1000 gm. Several illnesses have been reported to date that may be in connection with this problem.

The potential for contamination was noted after testing by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services revealed the presence of Salmonella in some of the product. Upon being notified of the risk by the FDA, the immediately discontinued their operations. did not manufacture the product which was imported from Indonesia. The product should not be used.

Guest - 24/05/2012

koji Europe

getting koji in Europe is not easy, there is a dutch company - Terrasana who sell a genmai koji for ridiculous sums of money. I bought a starter from GEM cultures in USA, for $3 + postage and made tons! An easy and fun process! Noel -
Noel - 16/11/2013

Tempeh starter

Do somebody know where can I found tempeh starter in Swindon? Or somewhere in the area. Thanks for help.
Erika - 20/11/2013

Tempeh starter

I get my tempeh starter from TopCultures. They ship to the UK, or where is Swindon located?
Wim - 20/11/2013

Tempeh starter

I have no idea, I'm in Hungary, but one of my friend will be in Swindon these days and try to buy me. Here in Hungary I didn't find. But thanks, I'll try too.
Erika - 20/11/2013

Starter in Ghana

Please it is difficult for me to prepare . Can you direct me to a location in Accra , Ghana where I can get tempeh starter to buy or how I can get those materials in the soil that is the ''rhizopus oryzae '' or ''rhizopus olygosporus so that I can prepare my own starter . I will be very grateful thanks. Regards.
Solomon - 09/08/2014

Starter in Ghana

I do not know of any place in Ghana that sells tempeh starter. You have to order in online, for example from
Rob - 09/08/2014

The Farm

What happened to the tempeh starter from The Farm? I bought from them years ago. Now: "Call for availabilty". I am not going to call them!!!
David - 10/08/2014

Tempeh Starter everywhere in Bali, Java, Sumatra all Indonesia

Hi there, im from Indonesia...been to aus, new zealand, canada, usa, UK etc... If you would like to get some tempeh starter...try travel to Indonesia like Bali...everthing cheap, fligh, hotel,transport, acomodation, etc2 compare around the world. So during yr travel tried to get information about how to make tempeh starter, including how to make perfec tempeh etc. from lokal in Bali, and around indonesia...there were quiet easy and cheap tradisional free market everywhere.
andreas - 11/09/2014

Different tempeh starters tested

I tested different tempeh starters: GEM Cultures, Raprima and Topcultures. The starter from GEM cultures produced a lot of mycelium but created the most black spots and tempeh was a bit bitter. Topcultures made the most white mycelium and taste was very fresh whereas Raprima produced only a bit of black spots, weaker mycelium but stronger taste. For me Topcultures is the absolute winner! I like tempeh with a lot of the white mycelium, because mycelium is what makes soybeans and tempeh different.
Stefano - 28/01/2015


I tried to make tempeh with starter from tempehstartershop. I followed their instructions but the end result was more like natto. Tossed it in the garbage! Who had more success with this starter? Maybe the starter was too old, I received it a few months back, but no expiry date on package...
Tracy - 10/02/2015

method to make tempeh starter

I want make my tempeh starter to produce tempeh. Can give me the method how to make tempeh starter.
wijesiri muththettowage - 18/06/2015

method to make tempeh starter

Hi wijesiri, why do you want to take the trouble to make your own tempeh starter if you can buy it online? I made my own by slicing tempeh, letting it sporulate and then drying and grinding it. But results of the final tempeh were always different, sometime rotten tempeh... I get perfect results with starter from The Farm and Topcultures.
Sonja - 10/08/2015

method to make tempeh starter

Wijesiri muththettowage, you can read different methods in "The Book of Tempeh" on site chapter 7 pages 117-125.
Vlad - 18/11/2015

Old fermentation way is better/ can kill the E Coli

The “Earth” of Cooked episode features a Connecticut nun, Sister Noella Marcellino, who used to make cheese according to an OLD WAY OF MAKING CHEESE....a French peasant recipe, letting the milk sour in WOODEN BARRELS rather than the stainless steel commonly used today.... After an outbreak of listeria, health inspectors told her she had to stop using wood. The levels of E. coli in her finished cheeses spiked immediately. Using slick steel instead of porous wood may feel like the hygienic choice in food manufacturing, but it was the BACTERIA PRODUCED BY THE WOODEN BARREL itself that KILL THE E. COLI BACTERIA & kept her original cheese E. coli-free.
Irna - 25/03/2016

Old fermentation way is better/ can kill the E Coli

I rather have E. coli in my cheese than Lysteria. Lysteria infection has a fatality rate of 20% ! You can make your own food using any methods that you prefer but if you want to sell it to the public you have to follow official food regulations. Same applies to tempeh starter. Many websites sell tempeh starter without even mentioning company details. If they sell tainted tempeh starter and people get sick they will close their website. Same happened with a few years ago when about 100 people got very sick after eating tempeh. imported and resold starter culture which she purchased from an exporter named Bambang Surprapto in Bekasi, Indonesia.
Victor - 27/03/2016


Anyone using Raprima? Prices range is very wide, from 2,99$ to 37,99$! I am looking for an alternative to Gem cultures tempeh starter (they stopped selling it).
Laura - 11/05/2016


Hi Laura, Raprima is indeed very cheap but the quality is accordingly. Raprima is rather weak and is not pure as it contains lots of bacteria. I recently tested this starter in the lab at my work and found 2.000.000 mold spores and 22.000 bacteria in 1 g starter. If you use it you should make sure to cook the tempeh very well and not eat it raw. Raprima is produced and sold in 500g bags. I assume that the 2,99$ is for a different weight. Some sellers indeed repack Raprima. Under what conditions? In their own kitchen?
Victor - 16/05/2016


I get my raprima from Indonesia (around cad$1.5), ask someone you know to bring it. I never use other brand so i can't compare the quality.
In the beginning I had problems with black spot, less spore, over ripe. But now I could make tempeh (10 kg soy) in 10 cubic foot homemade incubator (24-40h, I make it in restaurant, so it has to be done when I'm there)
what people say about raprima might be true but here is my thoughts:
1. Bitterness, depending on your soy bean. Ive no problem with my organic one, but I had problems with non-gmo till I found the right method (throw more than 25kg).
2. Not strong, I've seen video a company uses 1t/10kg (around 4 g) with in-house starter. I use 20g/10kg, yes its not strong but price wise? Also some of my starters are 3 y old.
3. Black spot, too long at lower temp or too much oxygen, empty space between plastic and aoy. Solution: high temp 20h, 4-6 h at 26-27C, less holes.

I don't call myself expert in Tempe, I started 3 years ago after after a customer gave bad review of Tempe (bitter) that we served in restaurant but so far this year I've used more than 600 kg soy with raprima without any problem, and taste good too (im selling Tempe to Indonesian community too).
The only problem I have, I couldn't season with garlic powder, salt and coriander when I make it. Ive tried during soaking, when boiling (according akkiko n peter's book), lower/high temp, there's no spore and soft (too hot), maybe because raprima?
Minx Jan - 28/10/2016

Not 200 ml?

The recipe calls for 20 ml water to 1/4 cup rice. Should that be 200 ml water? 20 ml is slightly more than 1 tbsp, which is hardly enough for 1/4 cup rice.
Klaus Seistrup - 27/02/2017

Not 200 ml?

The figures are correct. 1/4 cup of rice is about 48g and 2 tablespoons are 30ml. Also some water will be absorbed from the steam. The cooked rice is indeed on the dry side, but that is the purpose. This results in more sporulation.
Rob - 28/04/2017


Is tempeh starter same as koji? The same mold that breakdowns the protein and produces protease enzymes?
kyroll - 02/12/2017


Rhizopus (R. oryzae or R. oligosporus) is responsible for tempeh fermentation whereas the mold in koji is Asperigillus oryzae. These are different species, but both produce proteases.
Rob - 02/12/2017


Thanks a lot Rob. Glad that they both produce proteases. One more question. So can I make shio koji using tempeh starter and apply it to meat or chicken to get tender meat? Will I get same result?
kyroll - 03/12/2017

Make tempeh from non-soy beans with Topcultures tempeh starter

I buy tempeh starter from Topcultures, and I am impressed with the nice soybean tempeh I can make with it. Is anyone using this tempeh starter successfully with other beans than soybeans? Thanks for sharing your experience!
Klara - 26/05/2019

Make tempeh from non-soy beans with Topcultures tempeh starter

On is a recipe for black bean tempeh. That's my favourite tempeh! It is easier to make, you do not have to remove the skins.
Valerio - 18/06/2019

Tempeh starter

Can I use fresh yeast as a starter?
Sharan - 23/06/2019

Tempeh starter

Sharan, you cannot use bakers yeast for making tempeh. Sometimes, tempeh starter is called tempeh yeast, this is misleading, but they are different cultures.
Natalia - 05/08/2019

yeast? no way

Baking and brewing yeasts are varieties of Sacchromyces, typically S cerevesiae. Tempeh is created by a Rhizophus mould. Totally different microorganism.
Trevor - 06/12/2019


I have no connection to the firm, but I can confirm this Belgian starter provider is still selling in Dec 2019 and has a website. Their supply date is weeks ahead of Asian sellers for me, as I'm in the UK.
Trevor - 06/12/2019

Incubation time

"4. Incubation
Incubate the jar on their sides at 30°C (86°F) for 45 days, at which time the rice will be covered with mycelia and black spores."

45 days for spores of tempe?! I think is 4-5 days LOL
Ro - 12/07/2020

Incubation time

You could remove the contents from the jar after 4-5 days and dry it. But you can also leave it 45 days in the jar, by which time contents will also be dry. Then there is less risk for contamination.
Rob - 17/07/2020

Making tempeh starter - no success

I tried to make tempeh starter from fresh store bought tempeh. I cut the tempeh in thin slices and let in sporulate in a warm spot, but it doesn't turn black.
Filippos - 16/06/2021

Making tempeh starter - no success

The tempeh was not fresh but pasteurized? Or too old? I cut fresh tempeh in thin slices, put it in glass container,cover with foil with small holes in it and let it sporulate in warm spot (25°C-35°C). When it gets dark I remove foil so it can dry out. Then I grind it.
Sonja - 10/07/2021

Making tempeh starter - no success

Why going through all the trouble for making your own tempeh starter? You can buy 75g tempeh starter for 18€, enough to make 25kg tempeh with it.
emma fischer - 21/09/2021

Tempeh starter in Mexico

Hi, I am from Mexico. Are there tempeh starter sellers in Mexico? I can't find it in Asian shops! If I import I am afraid that customs will seize it :(
Roberta - 27/09/2022

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